16. L U C Y

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I've been sat staring at the picture of our baby for over ten minutes. I've memorised every part of the picture, and I can still hear the erratic beating of her heart. The heavy thumping that came from such a small thing. I was so intrigued by how magical it all was; my baby was inside me growing each day. Soon it would have little arms and legs, I'd be able to see her face too. I've always wanted one of those 4d scans when I have a baby, so I intend to get one.

I was also so happy with Bax' reaction. I'm not sure why, but I was a little worried in case he didn't feel the same way. Maybe after everything that happened I was just a little worried I'd made a mistake to trust him, but now I was certain I hadn't. Everything had gone perfect. Just the way he looked at our baby made my heart swell. I could see the love and adoration in his eyes, and the tears he was holding back clouding his vision. He was in love with our baby just like I was, I just wish he was in love with me too.

On that thought, I decided to phone Avery. I was desperate to share the picture with her and, seen as I couldn't spend my day celebrating in Bax' arms, I was determined to spend the day celebrating with her. Not that I could drink or anything, but just having her here to talk about the baby was enough. I needed my best friend just as much as I needed Bax.

"Hey Ave, please tell me you're free right now."

"Of course I am what's wrong?"

"Nothing, me and Bax went to the scan and everything went perfect." I beamed down the phone, excited to tell her.

"So why do you need me? Don't you want to spend it in bed with Bax?"

"Yes but he's had to go work, you know I can't wait to tell you either."

"He went to work?! Why didn't he take the day off?" She yelled, confused by his choice.

He was in for a shouting at when he next saw her. But did she not realise that sometimes people needed to work?

"I know but he hasn't been properly for a few days, he's been taking care of me Ave."

My whole body tingled with joy at how sweet he's been. I felt the butterflies fluttering again, and I couldn't control my smile.

"Well I'll forgive him this time, but I still think he should be with you."

She never let things go, he wasn't going to hear the end of this.

"Can you please just come round, I'm lonely." I begged hoping she would just hurry up.

"Yes I'll be on my way in ten."


"Great, I can't wait." I replied, putting the phone down.

While waiting for her to arrive, I texted Bax. I missed him.

Strangely, he hadn't replied. Usually he replied quite quick, but I just put it down to being at work. He was most likely busy doing business stuff, or whatever CEO's did. I was completely oblivious to the business world.

Growing up my parents had their own company, but I was so little I had no idea what it was or what they did. I couldn't even tell you what they did now, I refused to ever look them up on the internet or social media. It would only resurface old feelings; feelings I'd managed to hide, and overcome over the years. I didn't need to go back to all that, they wasn't worth all the negativity.

Sometimes it still makes me sad, like today. When Bax mentioned giving them a scan photo I couldn't help the wave of hurt and sadness that come over me. Despite accepting they never wanted me, and they would never be around, it still hurt a little to know I didn't have any parents.

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