7. L U C Y

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"So, how are we doing this?"

Avery was stood legs apart hands on hips, in sportswear, sweating from her daily run. Why she insisted on coming straight here I don't know. Her attire was bright pink from head to toe; it screamed loud and hype, but that's Avery for you.

"I don't know." Barely audible, I shrugged my shoulders as I searched into space for an answer. My eyes were fixated on the fireplace in front of me, blurry from daydreaming, but I could still faintly see Avery waving her hand in front of my face.

"What do you want me to stay ave? I don't know how to tell him. I don't have his number, officially I don't have his address I just sort of remember it, and I only know his last name so social media is a complete fluke." Waving my hands around like an inexperienced drunk on their first night clubbing, I'd raised my voice in irritation. I didn't mean to be so cold, yet I was anyway.

"I'm sorry, Ave. It's just getting to me so much. I don't know what I'm doing." I balanced my elbows on my knees, dropping my head into my palms. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!

Ah shit. Too late.

"Oh Lucy." She said, sympathetically, then knelt down to my level.

My eyes were sore, burning from lack of sleep. I'd spent half the night in and out of the bathroom - surely you're not sick that much right? Not to forget I'd cried most of last night too. Consequently, my eyes were a ball of fire. Like fire grows flames, I'm growing tears. Tears that have become my new eye cream, moisturising them every two hours. I just wanted everything to be normal. Why couldn't I just get pregnant with someone who wanted me? Why with him.

Luckily, I hadn't yet addressed the mess of my face this morning, so the tears were only hitting a blank canvas. They weren't ruining my makeup, or causing mascara to rub into my eyes.

"I have an idea. It's not ideal, but maybe we should go to his place? If it makes you feel better we could just post a letter?"

She was being serious, despite how ridiculous the idea of writing a letter would be, because she loved me and didn't want to see me miserable.

Giggling at her, I shook my head while wiping away the evidence of my heartache.

"No, we'll go to his house. It's my only option right?" It was supposed to be a rhetorical question, yet I still asked it like I wanted an answer. Maybe a part of me hoped there would be an easier way.

"Yeah I think it is. I'll be with you though, and if worse comes to worst - he doesn't want the baby - then you've always got me baby girl. I'll be the best Auntie that baby has she won't even need a daddy!"

She fist pumped the air, smiling at herself. Her candy floss curls bounced on her shoulders with the same excitement. I wish I could execute that type of joy, but right now I had one plan. One main focus. The only thing that consumed my mind, pushing everything else out of the picture. I couldn't even stress over the fact I was having a baby, because I was too consumed with worry that it wouldn't have a daddy. That I might actually experience being pushed to the side again like my parents did to me. By a man that I shouldn't even expect anything from like that; I shouldn't expect the man to love me, just our baby, yet the reality hurt. He wouldn't want me. Ever.

"Right I'll make breakfast, you go get ready."

"Erm... You're going in that?" I tried so hard not to offend her, but she was currently looking like an actual stick of candy floss. Or maybe even something from Trolls? They wear bright colours right? Ignoring that dispute I was having in my head over a kids film, I carefully eyed her to see if she was hurt.

"Erm? Yes. Do I look like I've got many clothing options right now? Do you think I can just sing 'bippoty boppoty boo' with that pumpkin and make a wardrobe?"

Yep, offended. Even if she was a tiny bit funny.

"You could borrow mi-"

I was interrupted by her full palm coming into contact with the space between us, as she shut her eyes and shook her head at me.

My eyes widened, eyebrows raised at her bluntness - yet I'm not sure why, this was typical Avery if she got mad.

"Do not tell me I can borrow your clothes. Honey I'd love to. Do you think I'm fitting in them?"

It was true, she wasn't going to. My ass was bigger than hers, and so were my hips. I was also smaller than her too. Not sure why I suggested? Does baby brain happen straight away? No you're probably just stupid, Lucy.

My conscience was giving me a real hard time, maybe I needed to start having more confidence in myself. Jesus.

"Now come on girl! Go go go!" She did that thing with her hands where you shoo someone away. You know like a dog or something.

"Okay, okay! I'm going." I said back in a high pitched voice, with my hands surrendered in the air. Knowing my facial expression, if the neighbours walked past the window they would think I was being held captive by someone with a gun.

"Please tell me you got bacon, girl!"

I faintly heard her from the top of the stairs, and prepared myself for a full on lecture about bacon. Last time she had breakfast here I also didn't have any.

Apparently Avery is now the new advertisement for all supermarkets selling bacon; she physically sat me down, and began yelling the importance of bacon for someone's 'mental health'. Even justified all the bad things about it, making them more positive. 'Too much fat? Cut it off or run it off' she said during her previous rant. Sometimes I actually wondered if the girl was okay, like surely it's not normal to have that much of an obsession over bacon right?

Here we go...


Two hours later, we were finally fed and ready to go. Avery still looked like a Troll from that kids film, compared to me who was killing the 'tight dark blue jeans and plain white T-shirt look' until I no longer could. I'd settled for my black old skool vans as they were comfy, I didn't need blisters on my feet as well as my heart after this.

"What was the street called again?" Avery asked as she set up the sat-nav in her perky little fiat500. It was mint green, real cute, and fit her perfectly.

"Erm...Brooklyn's lane?"

"You better hope so." She concentrated as she punched the address in. "Ten-twenty minutes away, sound right?"

"Yeah, lets just do it."

She reversed out my hill of a drive - an absolute terrifying thing to do on my drive with how steep it was, and I focused my time on the window. I witnessed all the different people, looked at all the pretty houses at traffic lights, and listened to the sound of the all the different cars until we came to a quiet street. His street. I gulped a nervous lump away, however it decided to reappear as soon as we reached his gates.

"Stop. This one."

"Fucking hell, Lucy! Imagine the childcare you could get from him!"

Avery's mouth stilled, gaped open, eyes wide, amusement seeping through her features. Out of all the things I'd thought about, that wasn't one of them. I didn't want his money, yeah the baby would have a fabulous life, but we didn't need this from him. I just needed him to be a dad to his child.

Sighing, we buzzed through the intercom at his gate, and my breath hitched at the sound of his deep, sexy voice travelling into my ear.

"Who is it?"

"Erm, it's Lucy. We need to talk..."

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