26. B A X

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Since the shopping trip a few weeks ago, I haven't seen Lucy. But I have spoken to her. I check on her everyday through texts and occasional phone calls - I even succeeded with a FaceTime last night.

We were still friends, or co-parenting shall I say, but we were getting closer again. Hopefully she'd be able to trust me again soon.

It was almost time for her next scan too. We had both made an agreement that we wouldn't find out the gender until bubbles was born.

"You're not gonna like this." Liam strolled into my office with a pained expression on his face. His posture was stiff as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I looked up from the computer. "What's up?"

"Mr Marvin's here."

"Fucksakes." I muttered under my breath, fuming.

It's been almost seven weeks since I'd called off the engagement, what did he want?

"I'm coming." I rose from my seat, chucking my pen down on the desk. I was in the middle of writing notes for a new hotel design. That's clearly not going to happen anytime soon.

I stalked towards the conference room, and I saw his stumpy frame through the glass. He was wearing one of his famous suits - this one was an ivory colour, while he stood admiring the view from the window. I wanted to go in there and drag him out by the expensive material, but I knew better not to.

"What do you want?" I slammed the door behind me to get his attention.

He jumped before turning to look at me. "Well hello to you too Baxter."

His mischievous smile told me he wasn't here to say hello, he was here for business.

"Just skip to it. I know you're not here to be nice."

He edged closer, slowly moving around the table to me.

"I thought you might have changed your mind." He turned back to briefly look out the window. "But I see that hasn't happened."

He turned to face me again, but there was no expression on his face.

"How is little miss Lucy?" He chuckled. "I'm sure not having a job is making her very frustrated." He pretended to care, feigning a frown.

"Get out." I opened the door for him, not waiting for his response.

Initially, he just watched. Waiting to see if I was being serious. When he realised I was, he surprisingly left without any hesitation.

"You made a mistake boy!" He growled as he nudged past me.

"Everything okay?" Liam approached as he emerged into the corridor.

"Perfect." I said as I stormed back to my office. I didn't bother to check if he actually left, I wasn't interested.

"Hey!" Liam shouted from behind me. "Well what did he say?"

"Just said I made a mistake, then started asking about how Lucy was, pretending he cared." I sneered. How fucking dare he speak of her, he had no rights.

"Bit weird, nothing else?"


But I was slightly affected by how easily he left the room. I felt he had more to stay, yet my refusal to listen stopped him. It never did before.

That thought dissipated as soon as I stepped into my office. I was shocked to see Lucy sitting in my leather chair, spinning from side to side.

"Hi!" She beamed, fidgeting in her seat.

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