11. L U C Y

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I had to leave. I had to get out of that place before I allowed my heart to delve even further into him. It was already beating twenty beats quicker a day because of him, I didn't need it to explode too. However, right now, after that departure, I fear I may of already skipped that stage; my chest felt like my heart had already been crushed, squeezed between his firm hands until there was nothing left.

Avery drove out the oversized black gates, the creaking noise of them closing being the only thing I could hear, and I felt relief that I was no longer having to deal with Bax's up and down emotions.

"You wanna go home?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response. Silence felt like the best option right now. I had a snot filled nose, as a river of tears escalated down my face, and I could just about see Avery's explosion of colour of an outfit through my cloudy eyes.

"What are you wearing?" I tried to stop the giggle, but failed miserably.

Blinking rapidly to break away the blur of tears, I caught sight of the mint green mini dress. It was cute, but it looked like she'd been for a photo shoot with her car.

"It's cute, do you not like it?!" A high pitched screech hit my ears as her head swivelled back and forth: to me, to the road, to me, and back.

"Er yeah it's cute, but it looks like you took some of the paint off the car as inspiration."

She laughed uncontrollably, as she looked down to compare it to the mint green dashboard. "Shit. I didn't even think." She was still laughing, trying hard to concentrate on the road ahead.

"I'm sure no one will notice."

"You did!"

Now I couldn't help laughing. She'd managed to cheer me up in seconds unintentionally.

"Thanks, Ave."

"What for?"

"For making me laugh, I was on the verge of a breakdown just."

"I mean it wasn't intentional to make you laugh from my outfit, but it's cool I love making you happy. Glad I could be at your service."

We giggled in unison, until she changed the subject.

"You gonna tell me what almost made you cry us into an ocean."

"Errggggh." I moaned as I rested my head back, looking up at her white ceiling.

"Come on, we'll go get food. You can tell me then." She suggested, turning the opposite way.

"Deal. I'm so hungry."

I really didn't want to talk about it, but at the same time I needed to confide in someone.

"So how was work?" I asked.

"Meh, it was work."

Avery worked as a manager at a sunglasses shop called 'sea your view'. 'Sea' meaning to be 'see', but they adapted the name to the most famous place people wear sunglasses. Creative I suppose, but she didn't like the place. She was studying event management at university, so it was only a part time thing for a bit of money. She was one of those teenagers that didn't know what to do, so decided two years ago at the age of twenty six. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion, but she wishes she could of just chosen a subject back then so she wouldn't be going through it now.

"Not long now till you can have your own business remember." I reminded her, sounding chirpy and excited.

A year to be exact.

"I know." She exhaled giving me a sad smile.

I felt for her. I couldn't imagine having a job you didn't want and longing for your dream job to just come quicker.

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