15. B A X

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I drove straight to the firm, my smile never falling from my face.

The image of our baby on that screen, and the sound of its heartbeat, hasn't left my mind since we left the scan room. Not to forget the love and joy I saw in Lucy's eyes. I wanted to take things slow, make sure we didn't rush into things, but now I'm not sure. The past few days have changed me. I didn't think I was capable of feeling something for another woman, yet there's something about Lucy that makes my heart beat speed up, and causes a swarm of butterflies to fill my stomach. My whole world lights up when she's around, I automatically feel happier and content. Everything seems so positive with her in my life.

I pondered the possibility of the L word while I sat in the underground parking. Could I be? How do you even know when you L someone? I can't even say the word for Christ's sake.

Taking the picture out my wallet, I stared at it wondering what he/she will look like. I already know she will look like her mother; she'll have gorgeous hair and an even prettier face. All the problems I thought I had before will be nothing compared to the stress of having a daughter. Then there's the possibility it's a boy. How much I don't want him to have the life I had: two parents hating each other until they finally divorced, and no longer speak to each other. Or their kids. It's very rare that I see them or speak to them, and I don't want that for my child. It's the reason I am the way I am, and I don't want him treating women the way I have.

Realising I'd have to tell them they're about to become grandparents had only just crossed my mind. In the midst of all this stress, I hadn't really thought about them. Despite them being the reason I nearly lost Lucy the other day. After watching two people you think love each other destroy each other endlessly, it doesn't have a positive impact. I'm a prime example. You could do a science experiment on me regarding the consequences of parents who hate each other, and I'd be perfect.

My phone started buzzing in the glove box, and I frantically jumped to answer it in case Lucy needed me.

Instead it was Liam. Again.

"What's up." I answered.

"Big problem. Big, big problem."

"What now?" I sighed, sick of all the stress he kept bringing to me. He really wanted to destroy the best day of my life?

"Melissa and daddy are here, they know about Lucy."

My heart stopped. How did they know about Lucy? What on Earth was he doing interfering in my life?

"I'm on my way up."

"Wait, Bax!"

I put the phone down before he could continue, my whole body was burning with anger. I was raging from the inside out. This was the last time they entered my building, and pestered me with shit. I was never going to marry his daughter. Never.

I ignored everyone in my presence as I stormed through the building. I made my way up to my office in my private elevator, my feet never keeping still. I was desperate to get in there, and throw them the hell out.

"Mr Baxter you're here-"

Amy stopped mid sentence when she must of seen the anger dripping from me. I had my hands in fists as I walked towards my office. I saw her face drop, and I felt a pang of guilt. She didn't deserve to be ignored, yet I was doing it anyway.

Pushing the door open, and slamming it behind me, I wasted no time asking him what he was doing. Forget pleasantries, he needed to get out.

"What the hell is going on!" I demanded.

He was standing in the corner of my office in an expensive grey suit, while Melissa skipped over to me happy as a bunny on Easter Sunday.

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