13. L U C Y

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"I'm coming, Jesus Christ!" My doorbell hadn't stopped for the past five minutes and, seen as I was on the bathroom floor sick again, I couldn't answer straight away.

Trying my best to reach the door quickly, without causing another episode to the bathroom, I lightly jogged down the creaking staircase.

I opened the door a crack to see who it was. Midday or not, I didn't trust people; anyone could be at your door.

For example, like right now.

"What are you doing here?" I growled. Bax was standing sheepishly at my door, hair a mess, long sleeved grey T-shirt matched with a pair of low rise skinny black jeans, and a pair of trainers in a brand I didn't recognise.

Rich people clothes. That's what I called a brand I had no clue about.

"Can we talk?"

Could we? What could he possibly have to say to me?

"I'm sorry I can't fall in love with you, but can you forgive me?"

"I don't want a relationship but can you at least consider fucking me anyway?"

Maybe I was taking my anger a little far thinking he could possibly say that to me, but I wouldn't put it past him. People always shocked me, no matter how much I knew them.

I stood anxiously in the hallway as I considered my options.

One: I could invite him in, make him a drink, play happy families (depending on what he needed to say)
Two: I could shut the door in his face, and refuse to contact him again - despite the fact we were having a child.

Maybe the latter wasn't a realistic option, so I unfortunately chose number one.

"Come in." I sighed. I made way for him, before accidentally slamming the door behind him.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked as I escorted him into the lounge, hoping to god he wasn't here to just make things worse.

"Erm no thanks, I just really need to apologise." He rubbed his neck, as he looked down at his feet.

I imagine that this is hard for him. He doesn't seem like someone that ever has to apologise to a woman, or even try talk to them about something so serious.

"Okay, well, go on then." I was being bitter, but I needed to. If he thought I was going to be nice he might just take advantage.

"Look, I don't do relationships and this is hard for me in general. I mean, a baby." He shook his head dumbfounded. "But I want to try with you."

"Yeah I know, we already agreed on this."

"No, you don't understand. I want to try with me and you."

I furrowed my eyebrows sporting a confused expression. He was going to have to explain, we already had this talk.

"As in try more than just being two people having a baby. Be more."

"As in a relationship?"

"Kinda, but let's not say that yet."

I shot my head straight at him. I'd know if he was telling the truth from his eyes, his eyes would tell me everything. And they did. The hurt behind them was flowing all around them. He was being serious.

"I know you're a little taken back, I can see, but can we? Maybe at first just try to get along before we start chucking in the complicated stuff."

"Bit too late for that." I murmured.

"I know, I don't really know how to word this. I'm not very good at it." He rubbed the back of his neck.

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