35. B A X

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Three days had passed. Lucy was still in hospital, and I was on the verge of a breakdown. After twenty-four hours the nurse and doctor informed me it was best I took Angel home. Apparently it wasn't ideal for her to be here all the time and we couldn't stay anyway. The thought of leaving Lucy had knocked me sick, she needed me. She needed us.

The first night was horrific. I'd got home about midnight, after driving round in circles for hours trying to get Angel asleep. I tossed and turned as soon as I sunk into the memory foam, my head felt amazing against the pillows but it didn't matter. She wasn't there with me. I didn't have her warmth, her luscious ass curved against my cock, her sweet smelling hair buried in my nose, and my hands gripping her body; caressing her all over as she slept.

Before the accident, I'd spent hours lying awake, fighting tiredness, so I could watch her sleep and hold her swollen tummy. I never got used to knowing our baby was growing inside her, and even now it's taking me a while to accept she's here. Until Lucy is home and safe and well, I don't think it will hit me. It's like I'm living in a daze. I'm like a walking zombie; I'm carrying on like normal but I'm not there. It's not me.

I glance over at the clock and watch as the electronic numbers change from 3:59 to 4:00am. I sighed in exhaustion and frustration, but found relief that I didn't have to lay here any longer when Angel began crying from the bottom of the bed. We had a nursery at Lucy's, but I couldn't go there. I couldn't stay there knowing she wasn't there, this was hard enough. So I placed the spare Moses basket in my room, we kept it here in case we were to ever stay here. Guess it came in handy.

Nothing made me move quicker than the sound of my baby girl. She was hungry and despite still being slightly terrified in case I did something wrong, there was nothing more calming than watching her suckle all that milk down and fall into a peaceful sleep afterwards. Knowing I did that, I made her feel at peace and calm, made me proud. I wanted nothing more than to make her happy.

"Hey beautiful." I whispered to her sleepy brown eyes and held her to my chest. Her tears calmed as soon as she came in contact with me, but she was still raging for that milk. Bit like her mommy. Towards the end of the pregnancy Lucy couldn't stop eating, and she would go crazy if there wasn't anything she wanted. I inwardly chuckled at a memory of her screaming for chocolate ice cream and falling into a ball of tears because there wasn't any. I had to run to the shop to get some.

I sighed as reality hit me again and my stomach turned over like a washing machine.

I may not of been woke up suddenly, but that didn't mean my eyes weren't blurry and aching with lack of sleep. I took careful steps as I descended the stairs and couldn't wait till I could sit down again. I also didn't realise how cold this house got at night until now. It was rare I got up in the middle of the night, so right now I was freezing my bollocks off. Then again, it was beginning of December. I suppose I should of had more common sense than to walk downstairs with just a pair of basket ball shorts on.

As I entered the kitchen I almost tripped in shock. There sitting at the island with a cup of coffee was my mother.

"Jesus mom!"

She looked up and I could see the dried up tears in her eyelids, as well as the ones that were still falling.

"Sorry." She sounded like she was crying too, which meant she didn't expect me to come down here. "I just needed some space." She wiped her tears and smiled back up at me.

"It's okay mom, what's got you so upset?"

I began the process of organising Angels milk, my back was turned to her as we spoke.

"I'm just so worried about Lucy and I'm worried about you and-" she paused. "The baby."


"Sorry? What's that dear?"

I turned to face her. "I think I want to call her Angel. I'm just hoping Lucy loves it too."

The tears began again and I pulled her into my other free side. "Stop mom, you really are an emotional mess aren't you?" I chuckled, and she joined in.

"It's just so beautiful, my son."

We exchanged a heartwarming smile and then she watched as I made the formula. I felt like a baby expert and all I knew how to do was change her, dress her, and feed her. But I was so glad I could do those basics on my own, it was a miracle.

"I'm going bed son, I'll speak to you in the morning." She kissed me and Angel both on the cheek. "Goodnight my little beauty, sleep tight"

"Night mom."

I decided to make my way back upstairs as she had her bottle, but the phone ringing stopped me in my tracks. Who made phone calls at this time of the morning?

With my head too tired to think, I presumed it was either Liam - as I knew he woke way too early so he could get a morning run in before work - or it was some advertisement company from another country. I began to ignore it when I heard the distant noise of my mobile too. That's weird.

I paced up the stairs, not too fast to disturb Angel but fast enough that I'd get to it before it ended, and got there just on the last ring. The number wasn't one I had saved and was actually a number I didn't recognise either.

Hoping to god they hadn't disturbed my mom as she'd gone to bed, I waited for Angel to finish before calling them back. Only, it rang another two times. I was unable to answer with Angel in my arms.

I sat down to wind her, placing the empty bottle on the bedside table, and felt panic rise through my body when I realised it could be the hospital. I felt my heavy breaths and looked between the phone and Angel as I tried to make my decision. I needed to call back as soon as possible in case it was, but I also needed to put Angel down.

Just as I was about to cradle her to sleep, her cries began again and I realised that maybe she hadn't been winded enough. I tipped her on her front, laying her over my palm, and rubbed circles across her back. It felt like ages before she eventually let out an almighty baby burp and began to settle again. Relief washed through me as her eyes began to immediately shut once I placed her back against my chest.

I needed to phone that damn number back!

I placed her in her Moses basket, hoping she stayed that way for at least the next five minutes while I made this call, and raced to pick up my phone.

I waited for the phone to connect and listened impatiently to the dialling tone ring on for seconds after seconds. It felt like hours as I gripped my hair and hung my head in anticipation.

"Hello, Mr Baxter?" The female voice that came down the phone sounded extremely professional and I just knew then who it was.

"Yes. I'm here. Is it about Lucy?"

"Yes, we need you to come down here immediately."

An agonising pause almost sent my body into overdrive, until she said the next two words.

"She's awake."

She's awake.

She's awake.

She's. Awake.

I looked over at my daughter, my mouth gaped open in shock, and the phone still tightly pressed against my ear. I could hear the kind lady asking if I was okay, if I was still there, and I'm sure she could hear the ragged breaths, but I couldn't respond. My body had officially gone into shock.

But I had to see her. I knew that and I did the most rational thing by grabbing Angel and heading for the car.

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