14. B A X

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"You ready?"

I'd stayed the night at Lucy's so we could go to the scan together. My original plan of picking her up changed when I realised I couldn't keep my hands off her last night after I'd come round to check on her.

Thankfully, her morning sickness had dissipated. She was only experiencing slight nausea every other day now, but I still wanted to check on her last night.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" She shouted down the stairs half dressed. She was not ready.

Probably my fault, this morning I couldn't keep my hands off her too.

"I'll just wait here." I yelled back, standing at the bottom of the stairs, keys jingling impatiently in my hand as I waited for her.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! I just wanted to swap my jeans to my leggings."

"You look beautiful, let's go." I planted a kiss on her forehead as I grabbed her hand to walk to the car.

"Thank you." She beamed up at me as she shut the door behind her.

I opened the passenger side door for her, earning a bigger smile from her pretty face. "Very gentlemanly of you." A humorous tone was attached to her words.

"Joke all you want, you love it."

As I slipped into the drivers seat, I caught sight of her playing with her fingers, pain etched all over her face.

"Hey, what's up?" I softly brushed my fingers through her silk strands, waiting for her to answer.

My whole car smelt of strawberries and vanilla because of her. She'd washed her hair in a strawberry scented shampoo this morning, it was the reason she was late getting ready; I'd spent my time indulging in the sweet scent as I kissed her senseless on the bathroom counter. The vanilla was just her natural scent, her whole house smelt of it too. I loved it.

"I'm just nervous." She was still looking down at her intertwined fingers, which had a coat of sweat on them from where she'd been stressing.

"Why are you nervous?" I tipped her head towards me; her eyes were as pained as her face.

"What if the baby's not healthy, or not okay. I'm scared. What if they can't find a heartbeat?"

"What's got you thinking like this?"

Shrugging she mumbled, "I don't know."

"Lucy you don't need to stress like that, everything will be fine."

"You don't know that, I hear about it all the time at the hospital."

Ahh, her doctor infested head was getting the better of her.

"Right, well you also probably hear about all the parents who have a healthy baby too."

I understood her feeling scared, I had also considered the possibilities. But she was working her self up way too much.

"You overthink too much."

"I don't even know what's got me so worked up. One minute I was happy, then I was thinking about all the things the baby could have wrong." She puffed out her cheeks as she bowed her head in defeat.

"Right, well stop because I'm telling you right now, everything is fine. Our beautiful baby is going to be perfect, no matter what."

Stroking her face to soothe her, she finally smiled for the first time since I'd confronted her about it.

"She will be won't she." She smiled. Finally.

"She huh?" I questioned her choice of words, fascinated by her calling it a girl.

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