39. B A X

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My stomach did flips, churning and twisting as I climbed out the car. Lucy was about to come home and officially move in with us after the accident. I fumbled with the keys, trying to find the front door key as she pulled Angel from the car. I took in the scene right before my eyes, smiling as my heart swelled. She was so beautiful and she was mine - they were both mine.

My legs took a different course, swaying towards Lucy instead of the door. She looked up at me in confusion, about to open her mouth, when I pressed a tender kiss to her lips.

"I just really needed to do that." I rasped, getting lost in all her beautiful features.

Angels cry of protest, wanting to get inside because it was so cold, pulled me away. Her little face looked up between us, waiting for us to move.

"Sorry baby, lets get you inside."

Trying not to question every little expression on Lucy's face, I let her make her way through her house before asking anything. Each time she stopped, my body froze and shook. What if she remembered something? What if she didn't and it was upsetting her? What if she decided she didn't want me here? My head wouldn't stop. I was working myself up more than I ever had.

She placed Angel on the floor in the nursery we decorated together - a memory that crushed my heart - and shut her eyes as she took in the space around her.

"What you thinking?" I leaned against the doorframe observing her.

"Again, it feels so familiar. The doctor said my memory could come back in a few weeks if I'm remembering things. Especially when it's only so many months that I've lost. I'm not so sure though, I've been looking online-"

"Don't do that. That's the worst thing you could do baby." I was now stood behind her, holding her close. I didn't have to look to know small tears were falling. "Please don't cry. I've got you."

A small sniffle filled the room and then she turned to speak. "I just know there's something there between us, but it's so confusing when I can't pinpoint what it is or remember anything of our life." An erratic sob left her. Instantaneously, I pulled her tighter as I forced my own tears back.

I had no idea what to do in this situation, there wasn't a book or a website giving me advice. It wasn't like when you're unwell and you're given a list of things to help, this was worse. No medication could fix this, and I'm concerned that even providing love and comfort isn't enough. I just want my Lucy back.


Later that day, me and Angel drifted off to sleep on the sofa while Lucy cooked. I woke to silence and the house feeling quite cold, and no sign of Lucy anywhere.

My eyes wandered over to Angels Moses basket, perched beside where I was sleeping, and noticed she was still sound asleep. Little snores came from her and I smiled. Lucy never once snored, she must get that from me.

I made my way up the stairs, worried when I still encountered silence. Where could she have gone? I checked her bedroom, but it was empty. Then I checked the spare bedroom and nursery, but they were also empty and dark. It was as if no one else was here. I turned to go downstairs and try her phone, when I realised I hadn't looked in the bathroom. The door wasn't locked, as you could usually see from outside if it was, so I hesitated for a second.

Concern got the better of me and I stalked towards the door, knocking gently but loudly. No response came, so I opened the door, trying not to make much noise. The last thing I wanted was to walk in on her doing something private or even in the bath or shower. I've seen her naked before but that doesn't I'm about to disrespect her privacy.

Steam filtered around the room, blurring the windows and mirrors. I couldn't hear water, but as I looked to my left I noticed something.

Once my eyes focused, they widened as I fixated on Lucy lay asleep in the bath. The bubble mix she had used was now non existent, and her perfectly moulded boobs were floating on the waters surface. I swallowed, hard, at the sight of her; so fucking perfect. But that wasn't important, I needed to stop thinking with my cock and get her out the bath before she drowned or something.

I rolled my sleeves up, lifting her carefully so I didn't wake her. She stirred slightly, but remained asleep. The warmth of her wet, slick body against mine, and the soft feel of her skin, made my throat dry up and my pants tighten. I forced myself not to think about the fact she was naked, but it became difficult when I realised my hand was resting on her bare bum. I inwardly growled at the image of my hands all over body, caressing and squeezing. My fingertips itched for just one sinful touch.

I was thankful when the bed came into view and I could drop her down on there, leave her to sleep, and then force myself to forget the image in front of me. Besides, my biggest dreams over the past few days would never come true right now; she couldn't even remember me. I pushed that thought aside too, before I gave myself a breakdown from the different emotions spiralling round myself. It was starting to become too much. I've never thought so hard about a woman, or stressed so much.

Letting her body sink into the feathery soft quilt, I shut the curtains so the light wouldn't wake her up and made my way towards the door.


Her voice startled me; all sweet and angelic but thick with sleep. I didn't want to turn around, I selfishly didn't tug the duvet across her because my cock couldn't stand looking at her naked anymore and I just wanted to get out of here.

I took a deep breath before answering. "Yeah?" I didn't recognise my own voice, I sounded shaky and nervous. How pathetic.

"Will you come lie with me? I'm cold."

My heart beat sped up as my stomach did a flip. Lie with her. Naked. Touching her. Naked. I swallowed the lump in my throat, coughing.

"Angel needs me, Erm, pull the blanket across you baby." I still hadn't turned around. I was a coward. A pathetic excuse for man, I couldn't even control my libido for Christ's sake.

"No she doesn't. I know what you're doing, come here. Now."

My cock twitched at how sexy she sounded in control, demanding me. I hung my head before slowly turning to face her. A nervous smile played on her mouth, as her breathing came heavy. She knew why I didn't want to turn around and she knew exactly what would happen if I joined her on that bed, so why was she doing it? The last thing I expect her to want is sex with someone she can't even remember.

I let my eyes wander over her first, exploring her beauty. I felt so damn lucky. How I had gone from no dating, sex only; to falling hopelessly in love with this woman, I had no clue. But I was there. Falling so hard and so deep, I knew that if she couldn't face not remembering anything and therefore couldn't be with me, I'd hit the ground so hard I wouldn't recover. My heart would shatter and never heal.

"You know exactly what I want to do with you," I edged closer, small steps at a time. "And I can't control how much I want to touch you, taste you, feel you. I need to be inside you, I need to hear how much you want it while I'm inside you, and I need you to make sure you understand." I was now at the edge of the bed, leaning slowly over her.

She pushed herself up on her elbows, spread her legs enough for me to see, and licked her dry lips. I could feel my body shaking with need. I still hadn't heard her say she understood.

"So? Do you still want me here?" Her eyes flashed with lust as she nodded.

"Say the words, beautiful." I asked, sliding my hands up her bare, sexy legs. She trembled under my touch.

"Yes. I want you here."

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