Chapter 4

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Conversation at dinner mercifully returned back to normal. Cassian and Amren began discussing about a recent game of a sport I had never heard about, Mor chiming in every once and a while but aside from that kept to herself, drinking her what had to be her fifth glass of wine. Bad day it seemed, or maybe my story brought up memories of her own. Azriel kept stealing glances at her but aside from that he was laughing and smiling at the jokes passed around the table. At times, even I couldn't stop the smile on my face. Feyre and Rhys kept stealing glances every once and a while and then there was a small smell.... I had read their book enough to know what it meant and made sure to keep clear of the heat and longing in their faces. It was a good hour before I yawned, and I fought to keep my eyes open. Not knowing if I had to wait until the dinner was over, I kindly excused myself and rose, bringing my plate with me. It was only after I stepped out of the dining room that I realized I had no idea where I was going. Luckily Nuala stepped out of the wall and took my plate from me with a smile and disappeared again. I padded up the marble steps, my slippered feet hitting the ground being the only noise. I reached my door at the end of a white hallway, littered with Feyre's paintings. They ranged from the ocean, beautiful gardens, Elain's most likely, random little things like a hill or a bridge, there was even a family portrait, Nesta included. Things must be better between them then, if she was in their photos; paintings I reminded myself. I had yet to see the other Archean sisters, however.

No pictures here because there weren't any phones...... my phone. I had my phone in my pocket before I fell in... could it have stayed in? I ran into the bathroom where I left my clothes when I showered, but they weren't there. Nuala and Cerridwen must have taken them when they cleaned. I started to panic, my phone was the only thing I had left of my other life, the good pieces from there. My pictures, the only way to remember my good memories, my friends, Emily. I ran outside into the hallway; do I really just call for them? "Nuala, Cerridwen" I said a little too loudly into the empty hallway. Nothing. I sighed and my shoulder sagged, maybe they put it in like a dirty laundry? Did they even have those here? I turned to close the door, but I let out a little yelp bring my hand to my heart. In front of me stood Cerridwen, "you scared me" I breathed out "Sorry Luna" "it's fine" I waved a hand and made to sit on the bed. "I just had a question" "anything" "the clothes I left in the bathroom; I need them back" she scrunched her brows "the dirty raggy ones?" I huffed out a laugh "yes" "Well yes I can bring them back to you but if you need clothes, but his High Lord and lady have already purchased clothes for you to arrive tomorrow." I arched a brow, they did? But I shook my head, that we could discuss later. "no um, in the clothes, I had a personal item of mine, something from my home" she nodded in understanding and began to fade away "I'll send it if I find it" "Thank you" and she disappeared. And with nothing to do, I changed into the night gown, which was on my bed and slipped in, throwing the ridiculously soft covers over me and laid my head on the feather light pillow, waiting for sleep to claim me.... but it didn't. It didn't matter that I was exhausted a couple minutes ago, sleep just didn't seem to want me now. I must have starred at the ceiling for 30 minutes, or an hour, time was hard to tell here.

With a groan I stepped out of bed, throwing a silk robe over my shoulders and stepping out into the hall beyond. Like always, it was empty save for the single candle which laid on the small table, now lit. the others must be staying in another wing of the house, I hadn't heard a single voice in the rooms around me aside from myself. I picked up the candle to guide me through the dark hallway, even if floating balls of light hung along the ceiling every now and then. I didn't know where I was going, maybe the kitchen to make some tea? Yeah, that sounded nice, maybe it would help me sleep. I couldn't remember the last time I had such a peaceful day, maybe that's what was bothering me. I made it to the first floor and decided to just poke around rooms until I found the kitchen; it was solid plan until I walked into what seemed to be a sitting room of sort, books lining the walls and there sat Feyre, sitting on the couch with her legs tucked beneath her and a book in hand.

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