Chapter 37

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I sat up in bed, surveying my empty tent. Something was wrong. Over the past weeks my power was growing, expanding to the point where it was constantly in use without me having to cast it. 3 days, 3 days until war arrived; so then why was there so much commotion in camp. I got dressed as fast as I could, lacing up my boots when Cassian came in.

"What's happened"

"You felt it too?"

"something. I don't know what"

"Come L, everyone is gathering in the war tent."

"What did you feel?" I asked following him in the pitch black of night, the only light coming from the moon, hidden behind a thick blanket of clouds.

"Not me, Elain"

We reached the war tent quickly and didn't hesitate to burst through and take up two spots.

The other high lords and ladies were all ready waiting including generals I hadn't seen yet, including Carnel who's head snapped to mine the minute I came through.

Not the time, I told myself and settled in next to Cassian and Feyre. Mor and Nesta walked in moments later, the first I had seen off them in days. Cassian and Nesta's eyes locked, trapped in an unspoken conversation, one that made Nesta's lips thin.

"What's the update" Thesan drawled from across the table, diving straight into the conversation.

"Feyre's sister, Elain back in Velaris woke up screaming. Wouldn't stop yelling 'something else'." Rhys stated, his arm around Feyre's waist who looked unsettled.

"I felt something too" I spoke up and several heads turned my way.

"A rumbling"

"Can you focus on it, where it is?" Kallias asked me. He out of everyone knew the most what my power was like. He could feel every living thing in the ocean, in every river.

I shook my head as I starred at the map sprawled before us.

"I don't know, it would take too long"

"We don't have time to waste girl" Beron spat from across the table and several males at the table growled at him, including Cassian and Carnel.

"Watch it Beron" Cassian snarled from next to me and I wrapped my pinky around his to calm him down.

"I can try though" I added. If I was being honest, I wouldn't know where to start.

"Can your sister predict anything else?" Viviane spoke from next to Kallias and both Nesta and Feyre shook their heads.

"Whatever she felt scared her enough that she won't talk. I don't think she saw anything though; she gets feelings or small visions at most" Nesta said from across the table. By the way her face was taut she must have visited her already.

"Get Luna some dirt" Helion suddenly spoke up. Helion, from the day court full of thousands of books in his libraries and gifted with a cunning mind.

Az seemed to know where he was going with it before everyone else and disappeared from the table, returning seconds later with a small bag. He handed it to me, and I looked to Helion clueless.

"Put some in your hand and hold it over the map. Focus on the rumbling you feel through the dirt and drop it where you feel it." Helion stated.

It was different magic than what I usually did to find people, messier but, efficient all the same.

My cheeks heated as I realized exactly how many people were here and staring at me. My hands shook slightly as I poured the dirt into my hands, some of it falling on to the table below.

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