Chapter 14

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"You're what?"

"Its... gosh I don't really know how to explain it, but our power is bonded together. You and Nesta are equal in ways that make you mates, equal in personality and destined together and yes, equal in power but in another world, a carranam is rare, even rarer than a mate I think and our power calls out to each other, it connects."

His eyes narrowed at me as he took in my words, but I didn't even let him respond.

"I-" I began looking down at the floor as I thought.

"I need to see Amren"

I didn't even spare him a glance as I rushed to the door in the wall that would lead me into the inside hall. I should probably stay to try and explain more what it means but researching this, trying to get as much information about it, that was what I knew how to do, the best thing I could offer him and the rest of the inner circle. To show Nesta that I was not a threat to her and her mate bond with Cassian. So I ignored his call to me as I walked down the hallway, my legs taking the stairs in two's as my slippered feet padded across the marble floor until I reached the living room where everyone was still sitting.

I heard their voices before entering and the only thing that changed as I opened the door was the fact that Nesta and Elain were now huddled together on the couch. All their heads whipped to me, a silent question on their lips and I fought the urge to cringe and turn in on myself. I turned to Amren and spoke, "I need you in the library" and closed the door, not waiting for her to respond. I probably shouldn't be bossing her around, but I just hope she followed.

It was only a minute before I reached the towering vine covered oak door and I laid my hand on it. A small white light flared not from my hand but from the door as it attempted to recognize who I was and a small click sounded from inside the door, opening it on a phantom wind. The first time I had done that a week ago, even if I had seen Amren do it the day before, still left me in awe at the magic that truly ran in everything here.

I didn't hesitate to walk over to the section of the wall where the C books rested. A book or two rattled in their chains somewhere in the room but I paid it no attention as I ran a finger over the spines of the books hoping to find what I was looking for but as I reached the end of the shelf my shoulders slumped. I don't know why I thought it would be that easy.

Amren strode in through the doors moments later and closed it behind her, leaning against it and crossing her arms.

"You want to tell me what this is all about and why you are summoning me here" Oh she was not very happy with that part.

"Sorry, but this is important"

"Does it have to do with you being territorial like one of those mated animals in this house"

I cringed but nodded, refraining from reminding her that she is one of those animals and before the Hybern war was considered a monster trapped in a fae body.

"Cassian and I are Carranam"

She turned her head at that.

"That word, it sounds familiar"

"It's the old language I think, in another world but I have a feeling that the language in the book of breathings and the old language are the same"

She slowly nodded. "It would explain why I know the word"

"You know it?" I asked, my voice filling with enthusiasm.

"I know what it translates to"

I raised a brow at her silence but waited for her to continue, shutting my mouth even as It begged me to ask her to continue. Amren's mouth twitched in a smile as she noted my attempt of respect and struggle to keep my mouth closed.

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