11 • Jerk Alert

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

I closed my eyes and exhaled.

"Ok, move over." I sighed.

Vinay smiled cheekily like a little kid who'd just got the lollipop he'd been begging his mother for, shifting to make place for me to lie down.

I stared at the bare ceiling wordlessly as he reached over and placed his fingers with mine before closing his eyes.

I shut my eyes tight, trying to close off my brain too that had gone into overdrive.

Sleep was literally the last thing on my mind.


I awoke to an empty cold bed, my legs a tangled mess with the plain white sheets. I sat up with a start, blinking away the last of my restless slumber, as I drank in my unfamiliar surroundings. I frowned, running my fingers through my tangles.

Vinay's room looked quite different from mine. While mine had every single thing meticulously kept in its designated place, his stuff was strewn over the place. It wasn't exactly shabby, but I'd seen better.

The bedroom door was shut and the smell of alcohol mixed with Vinay's cologne lingered faintly in the air. But the boy himself was nowhere to be seen.

I kicked off the sheets and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, looking around. There were no posters on his walls, which I found odd. For some reason I'd pegged him to be a sports maniac with his idols' faces plastered all over his room.

Instead there was a rather introspective quote painted neatly above the head of the bed.

'Your existence invariably leads you to one choice- Life or Livelihood.

Which one will you choose?'

The question struck a chord deep within my mind. Biting my lip, I stared at it reading it over and over again.

Now that I actually thought about it, I was very lucky. I'd been able to discover a path that would help me convert my passion into my livelihood in the near future.

But what about those who aren't as fortunate? Those who many a time have to give up on their dreams, the true essence of living life, just so they might feed their families and other societal duties expected of them.

Society revolved around this one question, at least in India.

I sighed, looking away.

Vinay's basketball gear was thrown in one corner of the room next to his study table, on which he had messily stacked up some of his academic reference books. A relatively new basketball sat on the top.

Most of his reference books looked untouched.

Does he ever even study?

I shrugged.

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