41 • Euphoric Haze

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

Frowning, I made my way to my friends to find Lara and Neel embracing, and Roshni huffing at their blatant PDA. But I guess I just lost my right to say anything.

Everyone was absolutely charged with zeal. Excited students scurried around us, most of them patting Neel's back and congratulating him before going back to chattering about their plans for Goa.

Everything seemed perfect.


"I think I just caught a glimpse of the sea!" Lara squealed, jumping in front seat as we passed a milestone that said our destination was three miles away.

"What?" Roshni opened one eye, still resting her head against the headrest.

The poor girl suffered from severe motion sickness and had spent a large part of the eight hour drive napping in the backseat of her parents SUV that we had borrowed for the weekend. Since Roshni was absolutely sloshed and Lara hadn't slept well the previous night, Neel, Vinay and I had taken turns at the wheel.

"Don't you dare get up, Rosh!" Neel called out from the driver's seat, glancing at her through the rear-view mirror, "Hang on for just ten more minutes."

Thankfully, she nodded back to sleep without a single word of protest and Vinay and I sighed in our seats in the middle row of the car since we were the closest to her. The last time I tried to get her to enjoy the ride, I'd ended up with vomit on my right leg, looking at which had made me sick too.

Humming the song playing on the radio, I rolled down the window and let fresh air into the car. Despite the air conditioning, it was getting stuffy and humid.

A red jeep whizzed past using a blue, the students inside blasting loud music as they laughed without a care. Most people had decided to take the early morning train since it was cheaper and more convenient, but we'd decided to drive down to the coast since we wanted to explore the area a bit and car rentals were expensive.

When we reached our resort, Neel parked the car in the shade of a giant coconut tree to prevent it from heating up. We made our way inside to check in, each carrying their own luggage.

"Here are your key cards, Sir," the receptionist said in a bored tone as she handed them to Vinay, "The high tide sets in at seven thirty so you are not allowed to enter the water after that. Have a great stay."

He nodded, flashing her a smirk that made her sit up straight instantly and smiled coyly.

Rolling my eyes, I snatched my key card and followed the corridor signs to my room. Roshni and I were sharing a room, Vinay and Neel in the one adjacent to ours and Lara had decided to get one entirely for herself, but it was obvious that it was so that she and Neel could you know...

The moment we reached our room, Roshni flung herself onto the bed and sighed, "This is heaven!"

"Get your dirty ass off the bed Rosh!" I shouted, "Go get cleaned up first. And eat something, you haven't eaten anything since morning."

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