18 • All Over The Place

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

He rolled his eyes at my reaction, "Are you coming or do you want to walk back home now?"

I got on the pillion seat hesitantly and clutched the metal tail of the motorcycle tightly. Vinay chuckled before turning the key into ignition, wincing slightly as he did.

"Are you sure you can do this?" I asked.

Without a response, he lurched the bike forward throwing me into his back.

"Let's find out."


Fortunately, our apartment wasn't very far from college so we managed to make it safely. I don't think I could have survived the trauma of another accident.

Vinay winced as we entered the house. He hobbled forward and switched on the lights in the living room and kitchen before going into his room.

Shaking my head, I strode to my room to take a shower.

It felt weird to close the door after so many days of being alone in the house. Honestly, I wasn't even sure why Vinay had come back after disappearing for so long but I wasn't complaining. He did pay rent after all.

After I had changed my clothes I headed out to check on Vinay. I found him in the kitchen trying hard to reach the top cupboard to take out the small bottle of disinfectant spirit.

"Let me do it." I offered with a small smile.

He stepped aside so I could reach up. I brought down the spirit bottle and a small rubber bag to make an ice pack for the swelling on his forehead.

"Thank you." Vinay said quietly, as I handed him the things.

He winced again, doubling over in pain as he steadied himself against the kitchen counter.

I frowned and took a step forward.

"Sit on the counter, I'll do your first aid." I ordered.


"This is not the time to show how macho you are." I cut him off midsentence, "You're not auditioning for Macroman commercial for God's sake."

An almost inaudible groan escaped him as he obliged and hoisted himself onto the granite counter.

Dipping the gauze he had brought in spirit, I stretched my hand to reach his cut up face. Vinay took a sharp intake as I almost poked him.


One of the downsides of being short were that even you hands were tiny.

"Sorry!" I yelped.

Wordlessly, Vinay reached out and grabbed my hand. He gently pulled me closer so that I was standing between his legs and had better access to his face.

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