43 • Repudiation

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

I shook my head, laughing, "And here I thought boys thought about something other than money, sex and sports."

"Come on, you can't just stereotype everyone Akira!" he protested, "Anyway, I think we should get back now. We start on our drive back at six thirty so that we can get back home by midnight."

"Yes, I need to go and pack all my stuff." I nodded.

I drove the first part of the journey until we stopped on the highway for dinner. I was exhausted and spent the remainder of the drive sleeping, my mind already readying itself for college the next day.

But deep inside, I felt weirdly different.


The human mind works in funny, unimaginable ways that baffle me. You can be living a dream within a dream, a reality within your own and you wouldn't even know. Until it all comes crashing down.

Goa was my fairy tale reality. It was amazing while it lasted but once we returned, I almost drowned in studies and project work. I'd also been chosen to represent the college at a hackathon. And I, being the suck-up-to-authority that I am, agreed politely without a moment of hesitation.

I need to learn to say no.

"No." I huffed to myself, "As simple as that. Just say..."

"What?" Neel looked up his laptop screen and stared at me like he was waiting for me to say something.

"What?" I raised my brow.

"Didn't you just ask me something?" he asked, his lips curving downwards.

I shook my head passively in response as Neel shrugged and returned to his work.

Normally, I'd spend a Saturday night reading a book in a cosy corner or learning a new recipe that Ma had sent me on Instagram. She'd joined recently and had just discovered the difference between stories and DMs. Naturally, I was the lucky lab rat who had to endure her slow texting and excessive use of red hearts and smileys.

Now I'm proud to say that we share memes with each other.

But today was the day that we'd set as a deadline to complete our app development and run trials before we finalised the launch of the app on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. We had set up camp in my living room so that we could work as long as it took. Even sacrifice our precious Sunday if we had to.


That's what we had decided to name the app. It definitely did sound like a cool diminutive for Data Intelligent Software.

"Harsh was supposed to be here by now." I frowned, glancing at my watch.

"Give the guy a break Akira." Neel replied shiftily without looking up from his glare free screen, "While we were busy doing shit in Goa, Harsh perfected our UX design and interface."

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