12 • I Should Have...

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"Harsh Bhaiya, I want ice cream!" Millie interrupted.

I exhaled, relieved that Millie had conveniently lightened the air.

"Yeah, we'll get some on the way home." He patted her head, before turning back to me, "Well, Akira I'll see you around then."

"Yeah, bye." I said, quickly walking away from the two before I made things any more awkward.


The fire crackled loudly the moment I threw the blood covered gloves into the fireplace. No one had seen me with Andrew Belford's body. There was no reason they'd suspect me. I was after all the slutty ballet dancer who threw herself at the rich gentlemen of the town for money.

Not that those conniving men were gentle in any way.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged them, watching the once pristine cream colored silk gloves burn down to black ash.

Licking my cherry lips I let out a delightful laugh, my heart thumping excitedly against my ribs.

I was out for revenge. And the game had just begun.

'Ringg...' the shrill sound of the telephone pierced the air.

I gulped. No one ever called me on this number. The telephone hadn't been used since my late father passed away of Alzheimer's two summers ago.


I inched slowly towards the phone, my hands trembling as a ghastly fear gripped me.

"Akira dear? It's almost seven, I'll be closing soon." Mrs. Pinto peeked from behind a bookshelf.

"What..." I sat up with a start when I heard her voice, tumbling back into reality, "Did you say something Mrs. Pinto?"

I hit my elbow against the edge of the old wooden bookcase my back was propped against.

"Careful Akira!" she chuckled, as I nursed my elbow, " I just wanted to inform you that I'll be closing the store soon."

"But it's only six- forty five." I frowned, glancing at my watch.

"Yes, but I've started closing at seven on Sundays." She replied kindly, "I get to spent extra time with my little grandchildren. I even attend the evening mass at church sometimes if I'm not too lazy."

"Oh ok, I guess I should get going then." I said, flashing her a wary smile.

I shut the book I was reading and tried to get up, the floorboard creaking under my weight.

"Shit!" I yelped, scrunching up my nose in pain, "Darned legs had to go to sleep right now!"

Mrs. Pinto rushed forward to steady me. Looking at my face up close, her eyes widened in alarm.

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