14 • Bike Rides and Long Nights

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"No, you just feel that you have to. You don't need to," Vinay said softly, "You did your bit, now let the others handle the rest."

Letting out a drawn out sigh, I pulled away and stood up.

"Ok, I guess I'll just drop in tomorrow." I muttered dejectedly.

Standing up, Vinay pulled my small hand into his and interlocked our fingers before leading me out. I let him. I didn't have it in me to resist, not today.

They say that the world always moves on, but to me that was the saddest part...


"It's beautiful." I clasped my hands together, as I stared in awe.

"I know." Vinay smirked, the affection evident in his eyes.

In front of me stood a silver and black Royal Enfield Classic 350. It gleamed invitingly in the darkness, drawing me to it.

"How on earth did you afford it?!" I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

"Come on, quit staring at me like that, Akira. I did not loot any bank," Vinay laughed, swinging one leg over the mighty metal beast, "It's second hand although it doesn't look like it. Still cost me a pretty penny though."

"Rich kids." I muttered under my breath, rolling my eyes indignantly as the mighty 346.6cc engine hummed to life in the silent parking lot of the hospital, roaring like a wild beast marking its territory.

"Hop on." Vinay cocked his head slightly.

I climbed onto the slightly elevated pillion seat and grabbed onto the metal body for support.

"This is the part where you put your arms around me and hold on for your dear life," Vinay said, sending me a wink through the rearview mirror, "Go ahead, I won't mind."

"No thank you. I'll pass." I replied, gripping the metal tail tighter.


The motorcycle vibrated rhythmically under me as it sped onto the main road. Vinay accelerated it suddenly and the inertia swept me forward, a little closer to him.

"I know exactly what you're up to, you ass," I shouted over the noise of the engine, inching backwards.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Vinay replied with a shrug.
Chuckling lightly, I shook my head at his childishness.

As if they had a mind of their own, my fingers slowly let go of the metal tail and I raised my hands up in the air. I tipped my chin up, letting the cool night breeze hit my face as I closed my eyes and savored the feeling.

The sound of the motorcycle drowned out all the surrounding clatter and the world seemed to melt away around me.

In that moment I felt free, free of all my fears and insecurities. Only I existed and nothing could hold me down. It was exhilarating.

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