20 • Atychiphobia

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

He stilled as he reached our little group, and he sucked his lips into his mouth as soon as he saw Mr. Karthik. The crickets stridulated in the darkness as the air suddenly felt slightly heavier.

"Father." Vinay greeted coldly, "We were just heading out. Have a good night."

I gasped quietly, as Vinay grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the courtyard and into the parking lot outside.

Shit just got real!


Vinay dragged me till his bike, his fingers wound painfully around my wrist. I yanked my hand out of his hold and nursed my wrist.

"What the fuck, Akira?" he stopped mid stride.

"You tell me." I replied, narrowing my eyes.

Vinay's gaze flitted to my slightly red wrist and his lips curved downwards into a frown.

"Fuck! I'm sorry Akira," he said pulling my hand to inspect it, "I did not mean to hurt you."

"Indeed." I replied distantly, "You might have issues with your father, but you need to get a grip of yourself. Flying into a raging fit isn't always the answer and people are going to get tired of dealing with your bullshit after a point."

"I know. Can we please just get out of here before I explain?" Vinay pleaded.

Rolling my eyes, I made my way to his bike and climbed on. Vinay followed me quietly and handed me a helmet which I strapped on.

Vinay drove us to a warm, cozy, hole in the wall kind of place that was frequented by youngsters like us because of it's affordable but delicious food.

We placed our orders and took a seat on one of the wooden benches outside. Vinay stared into space, a little distantly, like he was trying to figure out how to let out his flurry of emotions. Emotions are one of the few things that can be highly catastrophic when rushed, so I waited.

"My father used to be my superhero, you know," Vinay started quietly, almost like he was speaking to himself, "I always wanted to be the amiable, hardworking man that he was. He too loved me more than anything in the world. He was my mentor and confidante for many years and I never made any major decisions without consulting him."

I listened silently. This was probably the first time this self important boy was opening up to someone and I did not want to ruin it with my big mouth.

Vinay inhaled sharply and licked his lips as he twiddled his fingers, "My father did everything he could to make me the best version of myself and I let him. I let him do that for so long that I don't even know when I lost complete control over my life. At a point it was like I had absolutely no fucking say in what I wanted for myself."

"Hmm..." I prodded him on gently when he paused.

"So when I told my father I wanted to study literature he just could not bring himself digest the fact. And you know what, he thought I was joking." Vinay said, running his fingers through his messy hair making them stand on his head weirdly.

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