15 • Letting Go

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get your sorry ass out of bed and get ready." He shouted over his shoulder as he went out.

Wait what?!

I grunted indignantly, as I pulled the sheets away and got out of bed.

Cheers to a long day ahead!


"So where are we headed?" I asked, strapping on the helmet that Vinay had handed to me.

"I have no clue. Thought we could just start with breakfast and think then." He replied simply.

I paused.

"So you pulled me out of the house for absolutely nothing?" I questioned, with a tinge of annoyance in my tone.

Vinay gave me a listless nod as he turned the key into ignition.

"What the hell?" I huffed, "I'm going back up."

Just as I turned on my heel, Vinay caught hold of my wrist and stopped me.

He tugged me towards him gently and said, "Have you ever done anything spontaneously, Akira?"

I gave him an incredulous look, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"There, you've got your answer," he smirked, as I tried to figure out what he meant, "You're so used to doing everything according to a set plan that you've forgotten how to live in the spur of the moment. You need to loosen the control you wield on your life sometimes, just go with the flow. You'll be surprised to find out what you've been missing."

A frown flitted onto my face.

Why on earth was everyone telling me to have fun? First my parents, then Roshni and now even Vinay.

Honestly, I was having the time of my life if you ignored some things like Mrs. Pinto's accident and being forced to live with a jerk. I had a job that I absolutely loved, and amazing friends. Plus I did attend the stupid college party on Saturday, which counted as a plus point on my social life CV, right?

I could at least rest assured that I wasn't committing social suicide!

So why did everyone have a problem?!

"What's wrong with being organized?" I asked Vinay, tilting my chin up slightly, "I like planning my activities and it's worked out for me just fine until now. If anything I'm enjoying life more than seventy percent of my peers."

He pursed his lips indignantly before saying, "Well, wouldn't you like to experience life like the remaining thirty percent at least once."

I considered for a moment before climbing onto Vinay's bike, "Fine, you have one day. Make it count."

"Thank the fucking heavens!" he muttered under his breath, as he strapped on a backpack to the side of the motorcycle.

We rode silently until we hit the highway. There Vinay put his bike into full throttle and we sped along as adrenaline pumped through my veins in spurts.

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