37 • Early Morning Bratfest

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

Cutting the call, I ran to my bedroom and shook Vinay's arm to wake him up.

"Good morning, Akira." He smiled cheekily, still sleepy.

"Now's not the time for that!" I almost shouted, "Get up right now! My mom's coming here in an hour."

"What?!" he sat up in alarm, "Your mother?"

"I don't have time for this, Vinay," I groaned, "Get up!"


You know that extraordinarily weird feeling you get when you're shivering because of the chilly weather, your nipples embarrassingly standing ramrod straight under your t-shirt, and yet your underarms and chest decide that it's time to sweat.

Remember it right?

Well, that's how I was feeling right now. Mixed feelings- feelings of anticipation and anxiety and hope filled every single pore of my skin but at the same time, I looked forward to my mother's visit.

Brushing off a speck of dust from the small glass table in the front room, I planted myself on the couch and waited.

Vinay strode out of his room, post shower sweat glistening sat the edge of his forehead.

"Did you change your sheets and stuff your dirty clothes in the bathroom?" I asked, breathing heavily.

Vinay nodded.

"Ok, I already dusted the sofa and curtains," I said, checking it off my mental list, "And I cleaned my bathroom and scrubbed the basin. Is there anything I am missing?"

With a small sigh, Vinay plopped down next to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

He bent down and kissed my forehead gently and said, "It's your mother not Miranda Priestly. You'll be fine, Akira."

"I know. But we haven't spoken to each other for so long and I really want everything to be perfect and..." I exhaled, looking at my hands in my lap, "Wait, did you just make a Devil Wears Prada reference?!"

I raised my eyebrow questioningly when Vinay shrugged.

"So what if I've read the book?" he asked simply, "It has a pretty strong plot."

I opened my mouth to make a snarky comment but decided against it, since it sounded way too sexist in my mind so imagine how it would sound aloud.

I almost jumped in a panicked frenzy when my phone rang, reminding me of my mother's impending arrival.

"Oh my God!" I yelped, leaping to my feet, "She can't be here already!"

Without sparing a glance at the caller id, I swiped to receive the call.

"Hello, are..."

"Did your mother call you?"

My father and I started at the same time before stopping abruptly.

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