• Epilogue •

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I felt giddy and lightheaded as I stepped off the gigantic metal aircraft, my legs feeling almost non-existent

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I felt giddy and lightheaded as I stepped off the gigantic metal aircraft, my legs feeling almost non-existent. I wasn't sure whether my giddiness was because of the excitement brimming within me, awaiting an explosive outlet or just my usual motion sickness and the after-flight tiredness catching up with my body.

The warm summer air kissed my face and the bare skin of my arms lightly, and the first thing I noticed was that it tasted different. Somewhat saltier, but cleaner all the same. The air felt alive, almost electric.

Clutching my cabin luggage, I hobbled towards the bus waiting to transport the passengers to the airport terminal where we could collect the rest of our baggage. This was my first international flight and although the feeling of making it alone to a completely alien place was surreal and terrifying at the same time, it was something I wouldn't mind getting used to.

Tell yourself that once the jetlag gets to you, Akira!

Collecting my baggage from the baggage ramp, I strode to the immigration office to get my papers verified and my passport stamped.

The JFK airport was hands down the biggest airport I'd ever seen in the entirely of my life and the sheer size and endless sea of people made me feel a tad bit frazzled as I navigated my way towards the exit.

So many people, so many dreams waiting to be fulfilled and opportunities waiting to be grabbed. Each with a different story to tell.

Honestly, me coming to the USA was more about exploring my choices and discovering myself before it was too late to. Of course, Vinay being here was a major plus point but he'd already graduated from Cornell a month back so we weren't exactly going to study together.

Vinay was starting at a reputed publishing firm as an assistant editor and I was going to complete my masters in Computer Science and Business Management.

As I stepped out of the airport and caught a cab to take me to my university, I felt like I left behind a small part of me inside the airport. A tiny part of my essence to commemorate my arrival and the volume of dreams I'd brought with me.

"First time in the States?" the man issuing tickets at the bus service booth asked in a friendly manner as he printed out my ticket.

His skin was pale and a wispy, greying beard covered most of his mouth and chin. For moment I remained silent.

Watching English television ever since I remember, the thick American accent wasn't anything new to my ears but it felt weird anyway. It made me slightly conscious of my accent and how it would sound to man.

"Yes." I smiled politely, "Is it that obvious?"

The man chuckled at that.

"Most people don't have time to notice such things. This is New York, sweetheart." Said Bill, that's the name his badge stated, with a small chortle, "But that curious, watchful gaze of yours is a dead giveaway."

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