40 • Electric Buzz

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

"No, I understand." He said softly, running a hand through his hair, "I should go then. Good night Akira."

He walked out of the door, carefully closing it behind his back before I could say anything.

I mentally punched myself for letting my tongue run loose, staring at the door until I heard a hissing sound from the kitchen.

I quickly ran inside just in time to reduce the flame before more boiling water trickled out of pan and onto the stove.

Strike one.


"I feel so stupid about myself when I watch Tedx talks." Roshni stated to no one in particular as she painted my finger nails in a matte shade of nude pinkish colour.

Lara hummed in response, pausing to hold the hot straightening iron away from her hair, and nodded.

"They generally have a mixed effect on me, you know." She said thoughtfully, "Everyone who speaks is incredibly talented and well versed in their respective fields and I always get the feeling that if they can do it why can't I? And then of course it boils down to feeling justifiably stupid. Why are we watching Tedx again?"

"Because Akira wanted to listen to other overachievers like her and get even more inspired in life than she already is." Roshni groaned, accidentally painting the skin outside my nail in the process.

"I'm not forcing you to listen," I retorted, "Why is it even bothering you anyway? You're blasting Dynamite into one ear with your earphones. No one's stopping you from putting on the second one too!"

The college had decided to give all the students a half day because of the basketball final, since we were also hosting the match in our indoor court. This had evidently doubled everyone's excitement and given us time to prepare for our weekend in Goa.

And that's how I found myself getting ready with Roshni and Lara at my apartment. Roshni's dorm in the college hostel was too crowded and provided little to no privacy, while Lara's parents preferred to keep to themselves, so the two of them had brought their clothes and makeup over.

"Should I take my new navy blue bikini or my more conservative lemon yellow one piece?" Lara mused aloud, setting the two on my bed and studying them, "What do you think Akira?"

"New bikini." I shrugged, knowing that it was the answer she wanted to hear, "Ask Roshni though."

As if on cue Roshni pointed to the navy blue swimsuit before proceeding to put a second layer of nail colour on my fingernails so it wouldn't chip.

"By the way, I think I caught a glimpse of Vinay's jersey in that little bag you've kept on your study table. Are going to wear it?" Lara asked with a large grin.

"Akira's marking her territory!" Roshni sat up, eyes glittering with excitement, "Wow so you two are actually getting serious now."

She flung her arms around me in a tight hug, almost ripping over the bottle of nail colour that was balancing on the edge of my laptop.

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