45 • The Butterfly's Dream

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《Short Recap》

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《Short Recap》

Flicking his nose playfully, I turned around and made my way to collect my towel and clothes.

The moment I was out of his sight, I pulled my lips into my mouth and swallowed ruefully.

Do all good things stay forever? I don't know.

One can only hope. But blind hope and faith has a way of leaving you fucked.


I sucked in a nervous breath as I set my jaw determinedly and swallowed.

'It's simple, a cakewalk really', I told myself, 'Just stay upright and push the red button gently.'

I pressed down on the red button slowly and the humongous silver and black metal beast I was sitting on lurched forward a couple of feet precariously and I gasped loudly.

Fortunately, we were in the empty driveway of the first level parking of our apartment complex. It was quiet today.

People hardly went out on Sunday mornings so it was therefore the best time to learn how to ride a motorcycle.

"Hands off the red button Akira!" Vinay reprimanded me, "Do you want to get yourself killed?"

"Yeah, I know," I replied stubbornly, blinking twice, "I don't know how that happened."

I really despised being talked down to like I was a baby, and on the rare days when I felt excessively petty I could go to exorbitant heights to defend my cause.

"Ok now focus," Vinay said as he corrected my helmet, "You have to..."

"I feel like the motorcycle is too heavy for me Vinay." I cut him off midsentence.

"You knew that, yet you insisted on learning how to ride." He raised his brow.

"I know," I conceded, "But what if I fall?"

Vinay brought his hand up to rub his light stubble, and answered, "Well, let's see. I'll kill you and than resurrect you so you can pay for the repairs."

"Wow, that's reassuring." I muttered under my breath as I repeated the instructions that he'd given me inside my head.

I cracked my fingers, the sound of the nitrogen bubbles in my synovial fluid bursting had a calming effect on me.

I let out a deep breath, turning the handle of the Royal Enfield Classic 350 slowly. The engine hummed to life under me, sending shivers down my spine all the way to the tips of my toes.

"I get why men like biking," I stated aloud, "This engine is like a freaking life size vibrator."

Vinay ignored my musings and placed one hand on the back of the seat to steady the bike.

"Okay, now pull the clutch lever. Then press down on the gear shifter and release it repeatedly until you're in first gear." He said.

I did exactly what he told me to do and nodded. I pushed backwards with my feet until only my heels touched the ground.

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