Dramatic. (2)

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It's funny how many thoughts run through your head while you run for your life. I suppose I've babbled on enough while dashing with bullets darting after me. But there is one thing my mind won't let me drop; his name burns in my head. If Lucas Allard, is going to be the reason I die, I ain't letting him drag me down to hell with him. 

I suppose I should tell you about the first time Lucas Allard slithered into my life, well actually he had been there for years since we go to the same school, but never really a part of it, it was the next day of school, funnily enough, early this morning, the same as always, people really loved this new gossip about me spitting on Maria. They looked at me in disgust like I was a murderer and as always, my name filled the halls.

In every class, the teachers gave me dirty looks but Mr. Kon hated me the most. Look up the definition of creepy old man, you will see a picture of him there and he had it out for me.

If I looked at him, I had a detention.

If I breathed too loud, I had a detention.

If I took notes, I had a detention.

If I held a pen when not writing, I had a detention.

If I asked someone for a rubber, guess what?


He was my English teacher which of course was one of my regular subjects which meant I had the pleasure of seeing him almost daily. He was going over some stuff about Shakespeare and Macbeth and I was paying attention, I swear. But it's a little hard to pay attention when a paper ball hit the back of my neck causing me to jump on my chair. Everyone turned to me and stared at me with confusion spreading on their faces.

"Do you have something to contribute, Jess?"

"No, Sir. I was just startled." I shook my head, keeping my head down, confrontation was my killing kryptonite.

"What startled you? Is there something you would like to share with the class?" His voice became louder and colder, making my skin burn, my hands a little jittery. 

"No sir."

"Is there a problem with my teaching?" he spat, marching over and slamming his wrinkly hands on my desk. I kept my mouth shut, I only looked up at Mr. Kon in fear then around the room. Everyone was looking at me, then I looked to my left and I saw the only person who wasn't.

His jaw was clenched tightly, fists curled into balls as his deep hazel eyes glared ahead of him before running his hands through his dark hair. It was Lucas Allard.

How had the rudest person in the school suddenly become the least judgmental?

People were scared just to talk to him. There were so many rumors around him. All were shady and dark. Though his presence did have a threatening tint to it, they were all lies, of course, I knew that. From experience. Maybe he was just misunderstood. 

That can happen.

Mr. Kon stepped aside a little blocking my view of him and redirecting my focus.

"Well?!" He hissed in my face. I open my mouth and squeaked out what I could with the last of my strength. "..I."

That's it?! That's all you can manage Jess?

C'mon, give me something more than that!

"It was your face. It must have frightened the girl." A smug harsh voice to the left side of the room commented, cutting Kon down like a blade.

Kon turned to Lucas, his face frozen as he processed the words just said to him, his ego clearly bruised. He frowned now, his rage igniting as he paced over to Lucas, glaring down at him in his desk, Lucas met his eyes with a wicked smirk. 

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