No. (4)

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Maybe though, if that was it, if it had ended like that, with that being the last time I had to interact or talk to Lucas Allard I would be fine right now, maybe I would just see him as the boy whom I embarrassed myself Infront of, I wouldn't see him as I do now.

You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about, he was helping me, pulling me along saving my life from men with guns who were chasing after us. So why do I see him as a possible murderer?

Well, only a few moments before running for my life I had seen him, holding a gun perfectly, like it belonged in his arms, like a young boy would cling to a teddy bear. He aimed it through a gate, towards a house, finger resting on the trigger. My breath dropped, my palms clammy. I saw my life flash before my eyes right then and there.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

"That's weird, I've never heard of him doing anything like that," Michelle questioned.

"I don't understand what the big deal is he rejected me let's leave it at that."

Of course, the girls were not happy with my response they all went on about it creating yet another rant about him like he was the only thing that mattered. I just sat there quietly eating my lasagna, that's when I looked at Lilly. She looked so angry the reason why though?

I had no clue.

Lilly had always hated me most out of all of them. She went out of her way to make my life a living hell. No one else did anything because she was also the most popular and prettiest in the group.

Well, that's a matter of opinion considering her ugly attitude.

She was a bright blonde with blue eyes and a perfect body. However, she wasn't the most popular girl in school not by a long shot but she had more friends than we did.

Beth was pretty too, she had golden brown skin and long red extensions. She had a beautiful smile I wish I had seen it more.

Hanging around the girls I always felt out of place. They were all groomed and manicured from head to toe. I don't take much pride in my appearance. I took rolling out of bed to a whole new level.

Most of the time I just shoved on whatever I could find. From jumpers to Crop tops to jumpsuits. Every day I wore something different you never knew how I would come to school.

I'm just mysterious. yep, that's it. I'm mysterious! Not lazy.

Lastly, a key factor of my iconic look, odd socks.

Yes, I am someone who wears odd socks.

Don't bully me, it's a life choice.

And then the day ended and I was off to detention thanks to Mr. Kon and his undying hatred for me. Lucas's apparent need to rattle him up further.

So, I grumpily trudged to room 304, where detention was held and knocked on the door, I was a straight-A student, but somehow, I had still managed to find myself here a few times.

Mrs. Anderson, opened the door with a warm smile and suddenly I felt like this afternoon might be quiet and calm and peaceful.

"Jessica Mayble, Come in."

"Thank you, Miss." I looked in the classroom to see who I would be spending the rest of the hour with.


No. No. No. No.


In the corner of the class was only one person. Sitting, staring out the window resting his head against his hand, before he turned his head meeting my eyes and of course, I was met with the handsome smirk of Lucas Allard.

Of course, it was Lucas Allard who else would it be?

When he saw me the corner of his mouth tugged, I could see his smugness written all over his face and my distaste for him ignited inside of me but I tried to hide it with an awkward smile.

"Please take a seat next to Lucas."

I huffed and sat on the seat next to him, looking at him from the corner of my eye. My skin burned as the awful memory of lunch hit me as he sat there with his jacket hung over his chair, that faint familiar scent lingering around the air a little.

He means nothing to me.

Miss Anderson placed a textbook between us and handed us both papers. "I'm sorry about this Jess but it seems Lucas here has come so used to detentions he has liked sitting around and not doing anything so Mr. Kon instructed me that you must both complete this textbook during this hour. And if you haven't both done at least 3 pages you are both staying another hour."

My focus snapped back to Miss. "But Miss why do I have to do it?" I questioned trying not to whine though it was so tempting.

"I don't know Jess Mr. Kon just said for it to be done." Miss Anderson shrugged, her smile leaking sympathy. "Start at page 69 please."

I reached out to open the textbook and felt a soft hand on it. I looked over to him and we both quickly pulled away. I glared at him and he glared back before opening the textbook to page 69 and leaning closer to it. Pulling out his pen and writing and I did the same.

Man, he does smell like burnt wood. It's such a nice smell, I have never smelt anyone like him. Why am I even thinking about his smell? Jess, you're such a weirdo. God, I want to curl into a ball and die right now, what are the chances I would get stuck with the boy I had just got rejected by a few hours ago? I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, of course, what he said in class would land him in detention as well.

But the memory of the rejection kept playing in my head, bringing an awful burning in my throat.

I stopped writing for a second and looked over at my other arm. It was lightly touching his while he was writing, I don't know how long it was touching and how it was but it was, my chest tightened for a second. He was still writing and he hadn't noticed yet. So, I gently moved it away and he instantly looked at his arm Confused then he looked at me. He glanced at Miss Anderson who was busy typing on her keyboard.

"Are you sizing up my arms?" He whispered cocking a brow.

"What?" I choked, before my eyes shot up to miss realizing I had been too loud. Luckily Miss hadn't noticed. I looked back over to Lucas who was still sitting there waiting with a judgy look on his face as if I just touched him up.

"You wish," I snapped, my distaste for him leaking out of my voice.

Get over yourself.

He smirked for a second his hazel eyes looking down on me with that similar look from before, as if I was a stupid little girl, the kind of look that made me wish the chair I sat on would just swallow me whole right now and then he went back to his work, eyes glued on the paper in front of him.

That's when there was a beep from the phone on the desk. We both looked up at Miss Anderson who picked it up and held it to her ear.

"Yes, this is Rachel... Mmhm... You're sure there is no one else who can do it? Okay, I will come straight away. Okay bye."

Come straight away? Omg, she's going somewhere. No, no I'm going to be alone with this douche. Please don't leave, please don't leave.

"I'm leaving."

Damn it.

"Some kids have gotten in a fight and I have to go sort it out. I will be about 20 minutes please don't leave the classroom." She demanded before rushing off in a hurry.

I whimpered quietly as I watched her leave. I was stuck with Lucas Allard, all alone, in an empty classroom. Could my life, get any worse? 

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