Like what you see huh? (49)

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Leo's p.o.v the night of the party:

"You look really nice." I smiled rubbing my neck as Jess stepped into the car.

"Why thank you, kind sir." She giggled with her friend with a slight smirk on her face.

But I meant it, she really did. Her eyes twinkled under the light of the night sky and there was something about her smile that made me feel something I never had before.

And for that short moment, I was happy until I caught a glimpse of Lucas while I was pulling out of his carpark. I didn't know what I expected it was his house.

But it still made me tense. He glared at me, his typical Lucas glare that I was used to, but it sent shivers down me. Not because he intimidated or scared me. Because I knew his lips had been on Jess's and so had mine.

And that was the worst feeling of all. Knowing that, despite it. She still left me in the dark. Did Lucas know something that I didn't?

And as I faked a smile through the car ride and her friend made polite conversation with me, I couldn't help but wonder how long I would feel like this if this feeling would ever go away.

Once we got to the party I got us some drinks and took her outside for a bit of quiet.

She told me how she shouldn't have come. How Lucas wasn't happy with it, and I couldn't help but snap at her. I know it wasn't her fault. But does she really think I care about what Lucas is happy with? But she didn't take it well, and by the end of it, she rushed out leaving me there to watch the night sky alone.

I didn't want to go in, I didn't want to see her. What she was doing hurt. Even if she wasn't aware of it. But I wanted her to be safe. So after taking a deep breath I went back in. Only to see her chugging down beer. The minute she saw me she stopped with a smirk on her face and gave her cup to some random guy beginning to grind against him.

Looking at me the whole time. Like she wanted me to see. She wanted to hurt me and it was working. How was I supposed to have any fun, when I had to babysit her?

So I had no choice but to stand there and watch. I watched as she danced and drank and as she started to stumble around and boys began to crowd around her as she swayed her body around like she was a piece of cake every once and a while looking back at me to see if I was still watching and eventually it got to me more and more, until she looked at me again and I looked away.

It dug into me, like a knife she kept twisting over and over, the pain stepping through, the kind of thing that even when she pulled out the knife would sting and scar over. I couldn't bare to see the smug look on her face anymore.

"Like what you see huh? You've been staring at me all night." A voice giggled and I looked down. It was Jess.

"You're drunk," I grumbled taking a small step back.

"Am not! Okay so maybe just a tiny winy winy little bit. But that's what you do at parties right?" She slurred her words.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes looking away and up at the people dancing.

"Hey! I'm over here Mister!" Jess shouted poking me.

"What do you want Jess?"

"I just thought I might as well tell you this, because I'm feeling confident and who knows when I will get another chance to," She mumbled leaning her back on the wall to keep herself balanced.

"What?" I asked turning around to face her my arm leaning against the wall looking down on her the music was still playing loudly but I didn't care. Even when she was drunk she had a hold on me no one else ever could, something which I knew meant I would always care for her, for what she had to say. Just being near her made me feel like this wasn't real, a dream. Maybe it was.

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