Yep, coffee drinker. (19)

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The guys he were with stood there with their mouths open like a goldfish before beginning to glare at me like I just stole their puppy or something.

"Nice to meet you I'm Leo," He said smiling. My heart dropped a bit, I had always been a bit of a sucker for Leo Thompson, He was just your stereotypical pretty boy Jock,

what can I say?

I cocked my eyebrow before cautiously answering.

"Yeah, I kn-"

"So how do you know Lucas" He cut me off with a fresh smile before even letting me finish my sentence.

I rolled my eyes before turning around and walking away not even being bothered to deal with him.


"Woah, Woah, Woah I'm talking to you," He said running in front of me and stopping me.

"Sorry, you're talking to me? Because you do know my names, not Lucas Allard right?" I spat before walking past him.

"Okay, okay so I failed at the introduction let me start again," He laughed guiltily rubbing the back of his neck.

I stopped walking and turned to look at him raising an eyebrow.

"Hi, I'm Leo and you are? " He smiled.

I huffed giving in.


"k nice to meet you, Jess. Anyway, you were going to tell me how you know him?" Leo insisted.

For such a cute guy he really is a douche.

I rolled my eyes again.

"We just started talking and now we're just friends." I shrugged staying very vague I knew he couldn't know too much.

"Oh." He raised his eyebrow looking at me suspiciously.

"Are we done now?" I asked quickly. Trying to brush him off and get to lunch.

"I guess so, well it was nice meeting you." He said smirking.

"Charmed." I snarled before stamping away.

Learn some manners.

Great Lucas has given me an even worse reputation. Why is it he can only talk to me when he feels like it and the rest of the time it's like he wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with me?

Okay so I'm not popular and no one likes me.

So much for I don't care what people think.

The rest of the day he was still nowhere to been seen and by the end of the day I had waited at the exit of the school for 20 mins and he still hadn't turned up. So I was staring at my phone screen twiddling my thumbs not knowing what to do with myself.

That's when laughter filled the hall and scared me half to death as before it was dead silent. I jumped a little looking up. Leo was with all the popular Jocks they all had slightly damp hair, so I guessed that they had just finished playing football and took showers. Which was surprising because you wouldn't expect them to finish so early.

I looked back down to my phone just randomly tapping on apps and closing them again to make it look like I was busy and doing something.

I didn't look up but I heard a faint "I will catch up with you later." Before they all swept past me brushing against my shoulder.

"Hey, Jess right?"

I looked up, Leo was staring at me with his hand leaning against the wall my back was on. His face held a charming smile faint freckles glowed on his cheeks and the little damp strands of hair hung perfectly over his face. And even though I hated it my stomach turned a little inside.

"Nice to know you remembered. " I rolled my eyes. looking back down again on my phone now quickly panicking to do something on it so it didn't look like I was just standing there. I brought Wattpad up and opened one of my downloaded rom coms up and slowly scrolled down pretending to read.

"So what you still doing here?" He bugged me.

I huffed before looking up at him. His hair had curled a bit because of the wetness.

"Just waiting for a friend."  I shrugged lowering my phone.

"You have friends?" He raised his eyebrow.


I scowled at him before sharply turning away from him and going back on my phone.

"Aww, cmon so your not a complete loner isn't that a good thing?" He laughed, gently punching my shoulder.

"So what if I was?" I looked back up at him. For a minute he didn't say anything, as if he was thinking about his response probably because he didn't want to offend me.

"I wouldn't care." He shrugged before turning around and leaning his back against the wall with me crossing his legs.

When I heard that I snorted a bit. Trying to keep my laughter in.

He jumped off the wall and looked at me.

"What??" He growled.

"It's just that I'm pretty sure you didn't even know, let alone care for my existence until I was talking to Lucas."

"Number one everyone knows about you and number two Lucas is a dick I just wouldn't want him ruining a geek like you." He teased.

"Oh that's funny he said a similar thing about you," I commented smirking a little.

"He said what??" He questioned eagerly.

"Nothing..." I smirked.

He smirked back and shook his head a little.

"So, you wanna go out with me?" He asked bluntly as if it was so obvious I was going to say yes and he asked out girls every day which he probably did. Well during the period when he and Maria were not together.

"I'm good thanks."

He looked a little shell shocked as if it someone had just slapped him around the face.


"yes, you doooo." He insisted.


"Oh wow. You sure?" He triple checked as if I must have messed up my words and it was a mistake.

"Nope, I'm pretty sure." I huffed getting a bit annoyed now.

"You don't wanna go for dinner or a coffee?" He pushed, putting his face over my phone so I was looking directly at him.

"Number one I swear your dating Maria number two I don't drink coffee it's gross and anyone who does is automatically undateable because their breath will stink," I said pulling my head up as much as I could because his head was still under mine.

"She broke up with me." He seemed a little sad but clearly didn't care that much seen as he still stayed in that weird position.

I sniffed as he was pretty close to me and smirked.

"Yep coffee drinker," I smirked before turning away and going back to scrolling through my Wattpad book.

He opened his mouth like a goldfish and put his hand on his chest.

"Rudeeee," He whined.

I looked up at him and rose my eyebrow when I noticed some figures behind him. Lucas, Hunter, Max, and Jack were all walking down the hallway chatting then Lucas and I locked eyes and he glared at me again.

They continue to talk and Leo looked behind him at them and the tension rose.  I could feel everyone's eyes on each other as Lucas and the guys tried to act as normal as possible, of course, they completely ignored me and walked straight past me and Leo even though I was supposed to be getting a ride with Lucas.


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