Chapter 1: The Good Daughter

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"Marry me Felicity" Henry spoke getting down on one knee, he was smitten with her at her first sight despite all the rumours of her being the woman of a mafia lord. "Henry I can't- I'm pregnant with his child" Felicity spoke.

"I could never do that to you- raise a child that's not yours" Felicity spoke, he was her childhood friend, a match her parents had hoped for.

"Your going to raise it on your own- I'll go tell that man he has to take responsibility" Henry spoke, "No Henry- I chose to leave- I can't have my child grow up in that world- besides he has a wife" Felicity spoke.

"Than marry me- let me give you and your baby a home and a family- you know I can't have children- I'll treat your child as my own" Henry spoke.

"Are you sure" Felicity spoke, Henry smiled taking her hands.

"Dad" Carter spoke, her father looked up to her. "Carter when did you get in" Henry spoke, "A while ago- you were just staring at the garden is everything okay" Carter spoke sitting with her father. "Oh- yes darling- I'm just thinking of work stuff" He spoke. "How was your day- did you decide on your graduation present" Her father spoke.

"I really don't need anything" she insisted, "Nonsense- my only daughter is graduating from med school with honours- it has to be big" Henry spoke. "Honestly dad- I literally have everything" She laughed. "I'm so proud of you darling- your mother would be to" Henry spoke, "Thank you dad" she smiled holding his hands she sat back and enjoyed the beautiful garden her mother had planted before she passed away.

"Do you miss her" Carter spoke, "Everyday" Henry smiled. "But she gave me you and I always have you" he added, "Good because I don't plan on leaving anytime soon" Carter smiled.

"Mr. Harrington your nephew is here" Bradley spoke, "Let the brat in" Henry grumbled, Nick was Carter's cousin, the black sheep of the family one might say, his father had an affair and he was the product of that affair. His fathers wife didn't approve of Nick living with them so Nick came to live with her father. No matter how much they fight or disagree they love each other.

"Congratulations cousin" Nick spoke holding a huge bouquet of flowers. "Thank you" Carter spoke hugging Nick, "Permission to take her out to celebrate" Nick spoke formally to Henry, "Mock me boy and I'll revoke your lavish condo" Henry spoke smacking him with his newspaper, "Sorry uncle but I think Carter should get out and have some fun tonight she's earned it" Nick spoke. "Have her home by noon tomorrow" Henry spoke walking off.

"Where are you taking me" Carter spoke, "To Lacy's house- she's going to get you ready- tonight's the opening of my new club remember" Nick spoke. "How could I forget your all over social media" Carter spoke. "Carter" Lacy yelled hugging her, "Lacy I saw you yesterday" Carter laughed as Lacy squished her. "I know but your just so cute" she gushed, Carter was small, she looked like a high-school student half the time- people mistook her a lot for a younger girl.

"Okay done" Lacy spoke stepping away Carter examined herself, Lacy had done her makeup dark and her dress was a little to tight but Carter never went out so she would have to get over her insecurities. "I don't know what to do" Carter spoke getting nervous as the car came to a stop, "It's okay Carter- after a few drinks you'll feel better" Lacy smiled.

"Thank you all for coming out to my opening- please have fun" Nick yelled over the crowd of people- cutting the red ribbon he escorted them inside. The music was so loud the walls shook- woman walked around in skimpy clothing serving drinks. "This is our booth stay here as much as possible- have fun" Nick spoke before leaving them to attend business. "Here" Lacy spoke shoving her a drink, taking the shot Carter squinted her eyes shot. "It burns" she spoke, "Don't worry after a few it won't" Lacy grinned.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom" Carter spoke, looking around for the bathroom Carter wondered through different doors, "Where did he go- I told you not to let him go" A man yelled, peeping around the corner Carter saw two men with guns, they had tattoos, panicked Carter opened the first room, facing the door she listened as the footsteps grew closer her heart pounded.

Before Carter could scream hands wrapped around her mouth pulling her onto someone. Turning her around last minute Carter was now straddling a complete stranger. Pulling her head down he kissed her, the door creeped open. "Just some people having sex" A voice muttered before the door closed again. Pulling away Carter was frozen, what the hell just happened.

"Their gone now" His dark voice spoke, meeting his eyes Carter could feel the rage boiling and she did the one thing her father told her never to do, lose control. Slap, his face whipped to the side. "That was my first kiss you idiot" She yelled.

Tobias touched his cheek, he smirked. "A girl has never hit me before" He chuckled. "You creep" Carter muttered standing to her feet she noticed his entire shoulder was bleeding, "Your bleeding" she spoke rushing forward. "Just a scratch" Tobias spoke. "We have to stop the bleeding" - looking around she couldn't see anything that would work. Pulling the shoulder strap of her dress she ripped it and began wrapping his wound. Tobias watched her in new interest- Who was this girl- most women he was with hated the sight of blood. Wouldn't even come near him if he was wounded, she was willing to help him despite offending her.

"You should go to the hospital- you might need stitches" Carter spoke. Backing away she was covered in his blood but she was smiling, "It's good your okay" She spoke before leaving. Tobias smiled, "You seem to like her" Simon's voice came, "You even let her touch your wound" He added.

"Find out who she is" Tobias spoke.

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