Chapter 6: Marry Me

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"What's going on it's like 9am" Ash groaned, "You need to come with me" Tobias spoke, Carter looked between the two of them, Tobias had a death grip on her hand he refused to let her go. "Are you sure" Ash spoke, looking at Carter in the back seat of the car. "I'm sure" Tobias spoke stopping the car Carter looked up to the grand church. "Get her dressed" Tobias spoke to Natasha. "What's happening" Carter spoke to Natasha as she helped her into a white dress.

"It's okay Carter" Natasha spoke holding her hand she led her down the halls to the church. Tobias stood at the front of the alter wearing a suit. "No- What are you doing" Carter spoke turning around to make a run Tobias's  men stood blocking her. "Let's go my bride" Tobias spoke suddenly to close for her liking, "I'm not your bride" Carter snapped, "If you don't marry me I'm going to kill your precious father and cousin" Tobias spoke, "You- you wouldn't" Carter yelled, "I'll do everything to make you mine including eliminating threats" Tobias spoke.

"Is this even legal" Carter spoke as he dragged along to the alter where Ash stood. "Of course" Tobias spoke holding up marriage certificates. "Please don't do this" Carter spoke, "I'm sorry I won't escape again" Carter pleaded looking up to Tobias. "I Tobias Costello take you Carter Harrington to be my wife in sickness and in health till death do us part" Tobias spoke looking back at Carter, "Do you take Tobias Carter" Ash spoke, "I- I do" Carter spoke lowering her head the tears spilled from her eyes, Tobias took a diamond ring out placing it on her finger he tilted her chin. "I told you- you can never win against me" Tobias spoke kissing her.

"How is she" Simon spoke, "Cried herself to sleep" Natasha spoke, walking over to her brother Tobias sat on the bar dangling his cup from his hand. "Natasha he's a mess right now" Ash spoke, "I don't care- how could you do that to her" Natasha yelled slamming her hands on the bar. "You think I wanted to do that- I wanted to marry her with her loving me and our families" Tobias yelled tears spilling from his eyes. "Why did you do it" Natasha spoke, she had started crying, she had never seen Tobias cry. "Her father is coming- he'll take her away from me- a diplomats daughter could never love me" Tobias spoke. "You better hope she forgives you" Natasha spoke wiping her tears she went back to check on Carter.

"Carter" her voice was soft, "Mom" Carter called into the abyss. "Don't cry Carter- I'm here" Her voice seemed so close.

"I miss you mom" Carter spoke, "I miss you to baby"  her voice echoed.

Carter sat up- she was in Natasha's room. Her eyes were puffy and swollen from crying, washing her face she curled back up in bed not ready to face the world, not ready to face Tobias, she was wrong, he was a monster.

"Your father will be here soon- you need to come downstairs and pretend to be happy" Tobias's voice made her cringe. "Do you want to eat something" Tobias spoke. Silence, "I'm sorry" Tobias spoke. Silence.

"Give me back my daughter" her fathers voice boomed, Carter sprung from the bed ready to see her father, Tobias held her arm tightly. "If you don't play the part my wife I'll kill him" Tobias spoke, Carter nodded with a glare. Running down the stairs, "Dad" Carter yelled hugging her father he began to cry, "I thought- you were gone" he spoke. "Im right here" she sobbed.

"You bastard I'll have you arrested for kidnapping" Henry yelled as Tobias came forward. "Kidnapping- your niece drugged Carter and sent her off to an old man- I saved her and we fell in love and got married"  Tobias smiled holding up their marriage certificate. "Is this true" Henry spoke, Carter glanced at Tobias, arching his eyebrow she nodded. "It is" Carter spoke.

"This is not what your mother wanted for you" Henry spoke, "I'm happy dad" Carter spoke hugging him again. "I know your forcing her- I'll save you Carter" Her dad spoke before leaving. "Carter" Tobias spoke she was still frozen in the spot her father stood, "I hate you" Carter yelled running back up the stairs she went back to Natasha's room. Tobias broke everything he could get his hands on in his room, "Are you done" Simon spoke sitting on the broken bed frame. "How could one little girl make me so crazy" Tobias spoke, "I recall your father doting on your mother" Simon spoke, "When we were kids didn't we always use to say we hope to have a relationship like they did" Simon spoke.

"When I think about the fact that she's my wife I get happy- but than I'm reminded of the fact that she probably hates me" Tobias frowned. "I don't think she hates you- I think she's mad at you" Simon spoke. "I'll get the clean up crew" Simon spoke, Tobias nodded, it was late and he wanted to check up on Carter before sleeping. "Let me sleep in your room" Tobias spoke to his sister looking at Carter she was fast asleep. "I won't do anything to her- I just want to be close" Tobias spoke with puppy dog eyes, Natasha sighed but nodded. Getting into the bed he wrapped his arms around Carter and engulfed himself into her warm ness and smell.

"I love you" he whispered before closing his eyes.

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