Chapter 12: Tobias is Hurt

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"Carter you look like a zombie" Nick spoke, "I keep getting sick at night" Carter groaned putting the wet towel over her eyes. "So how is drug life" Nick smiled, "I wouldn't know- Lucas and my dad keep me far away" Carter replied. "Your very lucky Carter- to have so much people love you- including your crazy ass husband" Nick chuckled.

"Don't remind me- we get threatening phone calls everyday" Carter spoke. "It's been a week shouldn't you talk to him" Nick spoke, "Nope" Carter spoke.

"You sure your okay" Lucas spoke, "Yeah I'm just tired" Carter spoke, Nick had left. "I got you a few things- we don't have women around a lot" Lucas spoke giving her a bag Carter looked inside, there's was feminine hygiene products, razors, deodorants, soaps, lotion, pads, tampons. Carter froze, "Pads" Carter mumbled, "Oh they should be in there to" Lucas spoke awkwardly. "No pads- I haven't had my period- I can't remember the last time I had my period" Carter mumbled frantically. "Carter calm down" Lucas spoke. "When was it- a month- no two" Carter held her head, "Carter I'll get the doctor" Lucas spoke hugging her.

Lucas paced the door, the doctor eventually came out. "Well" Lucas spoke, he already knew the answer, Carter had been sick since she got here, saying she hasn't had her period only confirmed the suspicion. "She's about two months pregnant" the doctor spoke. "Thanks" Lucas spoke, entering the room Carter was still seated on her bed. "You alright" Lucas spoke, "Do you want me to get Tobias" Lucas spoke.

"I'm pregnant" Carter spoke, "Are you okay" Lucas asked again. "Yeah- Sorry I know I'm freaking you out" Carter spoke, "Its okay Carter whatever you choose to do I'm here" Lucas spoke squeezing her hand.

It was late but Carter could hear commotion, descending the stairs she could see Simon, Natasha and Ash. "Please leave my house" Johnathan spoke, "Whats going on" Carter spoke, "It's okay Carter go back to sleep" Lucas spoke. "Tobias is hurt" Natasha spoke, "Please he keeps calling for you- come with us" Natasha spoke. "I'll go" Carter spoke, "Are you sure" Lucas spoke, Carter nodded. "Leo is going with you" Lucas spoke, "We would never hurt her" Simon spoke, "It's not you I'm worried about" Lucas spat, Carter hugged her brother and dad before leaving back to Tobias's house.

"What happened" Carter spoke, "He was drunk- started a fight and well they won" Ash spoke. Carter looked around the room to see empty bottles- "Is he always drunk" Carter spoke, Simon nodded. After everyone left Carter cleaned his wounds and cleaned the room. Climbing into the bed she traced his face, he was bruised pretty badly but he still looked so handsome she couldn't help but wonder who her baby would look like.

Tobias groaned turning to his side his vision landed on Carter- was this a dream. Sitting up he looked around his room, it was clean. "What are you doing out of bed" Simon spoke, Tobias limped the fridge getting a bottle of water. "What happened" He spoke, "You started a bar fight- got the shit beaten out of you" Simon spoke, "And Carter" Tobias spoke. "We convinced her to come home" Simon spoke, "Whose that" Tobias spoke motioning to Leo sitting on the couch. "Her bodyguard" Simon spoke, "Why does she need a body guard she's my wife" Tobias snapped, Simon shrugged.

Carter opened her eyes- she felt rested. More rested than she had felt in weeks, stretching her limbs she looked over to Tobias startled that he was awake watching her. "You look different- is Lucas hurting you" Tobias spoke, "I'm fine and Lucas treats me well" Carter spoke, "Do you love him" Tobias spoke. "I do love him very much" Carter spoke, of course Tobias didn't know that meant sibling love. "Why him" Tobias gritted, "He's my friend" Carter spoke.

"Why is he helping you- he's risking his life" Tobias spoke, "Why don't you ask him" Carter snapped. "I didn't come here to fight" Carter spoke. "Now that your okay I'll be leaving" Carter spoke. "What- no please Carter don't go" Tobias spoke holding her hands. "I missed you" He spoke kissing her passionately he grew hungry.

"Please stay- I love you" Tobias spoke. "I'm going home Tobias" Carter spoke, "This is your home" Tobias spoke. "This was the place you confined me to" Carter snapped, "I know your still mad- I'm sorry" Tobias spoke. "Leo lets go" Carter yelled.

"I won't let you go Carter- if you keep pushing me I'll lose all patience" Tobias spoke, "You never change" Carter snapped before leaving. "He's never going to change" Carter yelled, "You could tell him the truth about us" Lucas spoke, "I don't want to- if he thinks I'm some kind of whore than he obviously doesn't know me" Carter snapped.

"Your Baby is going to need him Carter" Lucas spoke, Carter sighed.

"Where are you going" Natasha spoke, "To get my wife back" Tobias spoke, "How are you going to do that" Natasha enquired. "She's left me no choice- I'm going to kidnap her again and this time I won't let her escape" Tobias spoke. Tobias watched as Carter ate lunch with Nick, when Nick got up to get the car Carter as predicted went to the bathroom. "Mrs. Costello there's a problem with the bill" the waiter he hired lured her to a corner spoke. "Oh I'm sorry" Carter spoke opening her purse, Tobias could covered her mouth with a cloth.

"Shh" he whispered into her ears, "Thanks here's the rest" he spoke to the waiter giving him his cash. "Are you sure you want to do this" Ash spoke, "Your kidnapping your wife" Simon added. "I can't give her up" Tobias spoke, "No matter how messed up my love is for- I can't let her go" Tobias spoke. "She's going to be so mad" Simon spoke shaking his head. "She's going to kill you" Ash spoke.

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