Chapter 5: First Date

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"Where are we going" Carter spoke, a few weeks had passed and her feet was healed. Carter was now missing for whole month, her father must be so worried, Nick must be worried. "We're going on a date" Tobias spoke, Carter's eyes perked. "Outside" she spoke, "Don't get all excited no one will recognize you" he grinned leading her to a private jet. "How rich are you" Carter spoke looking at the huge plane. "Very" he smiled, "We're going to Paris" Tobias spoke.

"Or we could just go get ice cream or go to the movies like normal people" Carter spoke. "We can do those things in Paris where no one knows who you are" Tobias smirked, the plane landed. Tobias got up holding out his hand Carter eyed him suspiciously. "Hold my hand baby" he smiled, Carter blushed looking away, "Hold my hand or I'll do you right on this plane" Tobias spoke, "Fine" Carter muttered taking his hand he led her through the towns of a Paris. Stopping in Cafe's riding the boats through the canals. "It's so pretty here" Carter spoke, "My mom brought me here one time- she said this where she met my dad" Carter spoke. "Are you telling me about yourself" Tobias smiled, "What- no- it was just a memory" Carter scoffed.

"My mom died when I was young- my dad followed with a broken heart" Tobias spoke, "I know- I researched you" Carter spoke, realizing what she had just said Tobias smirked. "I meant- you know when we first met I wanted to know who kissed me" Carter stuttered her face flushed red. "I know you like me Carter" Tobias spoke, "I don't like you" Carter snapped glaring at him.

"The Eiffel Tower is so pretty" Carter spoke, Looking back at Tobias he was looking at her. "So pretty" he spoke coming closer he kissed her, Carter could swear she heard fireworks or was that all in her head. "I love you" Tobias spoke pulling away, Carter's face turned pink, Tobias's phone rung. Carter eyed him as he took the call, realizing he had a phone this whole time she felt stupid.

"Everything okay" Carter spoke, "Yeah just work" Tobias spoke leading her back to the mansion he was quiet the whole ride back. "You know your not what I pictured when people say the most ruthless man out there" Carter spoke, "Is that so" Tobias smirked, "I mean Your crazy but I expected you to be a lot meaner" Carter spoke, "The guys I kill in my office would say differently" Tobias spoke, That's right he's a Murderer, how could she ever fall in love with a man who kills people while she saves lives.

"How are you a doctor at 20 years old" Tobias questioned, "My dad has a lot of influence- I skipped a lot of grades because I was really smart" Carter spoke. "How old are you" Carter spoke, "I'm 28" Tobias spoke, "Your 8 years older than me" Carter gasped. "You make it seem like I'm an old man" Tobias chuckled.

"Why me" Carter spoke, Tobias looked back at her. "I feel a connection to you- like we're meant to be" Tobias spoke. "Besides not many women defy me- I like the challenge" Tobias smiled. "Couldn't you just ask me out" Carter mumbled, "You wouldn't have said yes and I'm not a very patient man" Tobias spoke. Carter eyed the phone in his pocket- how was she going to get him to let his guard down. Carter showered, despite the fact that she was being held here against her will Tobias had managed to make her heart flutter, picking up the skimpy lingerie dress Natasha had picked out she groaned. "What are you wearing" Tobias spoke his eyes darkened with lust. "Natasha picked it" Carter spoke, "Of course she did" Tobias spoke running his hands down her body his fingers landed at the tip of the dress that fell just below her ass.

"Tobias stop" Carter moaned, "You've never said my name" He spoke kissing her he wanted to devour her sweet moans. Sucking on her neck he wanted to leave his marks on every inch of her moving his way slowly down he kissed her thighs. "Next time she should wear my shirt" Tobias whispered before entering her. Every tic the clock made made Carter even more anxious. Tobias was sleeping, he looked so innocent when he slept, Carter didn't think Tobias could anymore rough but he didn't show any restraint she could feel the soreness. Looking at his fallen pants she quietly got off the bed freezing when his body shifted, checking to see if he was still sleeping she quickly got off the bed and took the phone out of his pocket.

"Passcode" Carter mumbled looking back to Tobias she sighed, trying a few numbers she sat on the bathroom floor frustrated. "My birthday" Carter spoke putting the digits in the phone unlocked, "Creep" she mumbled. Dialling her fathers number she almost cried when he picked up, "Hello" his tired voice came over the phone, it was early in the morning hours. "Dad" her voice cracked, "Carter" he spoke in disbelief. "Dad I miss you" Carter cried, "Where are you I'm coming right now" he spoke she could hear the shuffling through the phone. "Tobias took me" Carter spoke. "I'm coming darling" he spoke, "Dad I'm so sor-" Carter began to talk only for the phone to be ripped out of her hands. Tobias stares down at her, "Big mistake" he spoke ending the call Carter never felt more scared in her life- was this the real Tobias.

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