Chapter 13: kidnapping your wife

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Carter groaned holding her pounding head she was in Tobias's room. Sitting up she noticed her hands cuffed to the bed. "Are you crazy" Carter yelled as Tobias sat in the chair facing her, "I am crazy Carter- about you" He spoke, "Let me go" Carter yelled rattling the handcuffs. "Lucas is going to come for me" She spoke, "I'm counting on it- and I'm going to kill him" Tobias spoke.

"What- No- Tobias don't you dare hurt him" Carter yelled, "Here's the breakfast sir" the maid spoke setting the table on his balcony, Taking off the handcuffs Tobias placed one side on his hand pulling her over to the table, Carter cringed trying to keep herself from throwing up. "Don't you dare pull the hunger strike shit again" Tobias snapped, holding the fork up to her face Carter couldn't control it, pulling Tobias to the bathroom she threw up. "What's wrong- are you sick" Tobias spoke immediately helping her up, Carter's world was spinning "Don't touch me" she snapped shoving him away she was weak, gripping the edge of the sink. "What did he do to you" Tobias spoke, Carter blinked trying to keep herself awake but it was to late, she could feel the heavy ness of the darkness taking over before it all went black.

When she came to she was no longer handcuffed to anything- she was in Simon's office. Noticing that no one was around she quickly got off the bed and rushed to the door, "Where are you going" Tobias's dark voice sent chills down her spine. "Home" Carter spoke, "This is your home or did you think I would let Lucas raise my child" Tobias spoke, Carter froze, she could hear her heart pounding. "It's Lucas's child" Carter spoke, Tobias backed her into the wall. "Do you think I'm stupid- The paperwork says your 2 months pregnant- you've only known Lucas for like a week" Tobias snapped.

"Carter your awake" Simon spoke, "How are you feeling" Simon spoke, Tobias picked her up placing her on the bed. "I'm okay" Carter spoke, "Congratulations Carter" Simon spoke. "Thank you Simon" Carter smiled, "Are you eating properly" Simon questioned taking her blood pressure, "Not really I throw up everything" Carter sighed, "Well it is a side effect- I can recommend some things that would help" Simon spoke, "Thank you" Carter spoke, Tobias carried her back to his room. "When did you find out" Tobias questioned, "A few days ago" Carter spoke, "Why didn't you tell me" Tobias spoke, "I didn't want to talk to you" Carter huffed, "Your acting like a child Carter- it's my child to" Tobias spoke. "When can I go home" Carter spoke, "This is your home" Tobias spoke his eyes landed on her stomach, reaching out he touched it. "Are you okay" He spoke, Carter nodded. "You looked tired when I saw you the other day- it must be tiring for you" Tobias spoke, his hand was still on her stomach.

"I can't wait to meet you" he spoke looking at her stomach, "You did this on purpose" Carter spoke, "I guess you can say that- I knew eventually you would get pregnant- we had a lot of sex" Tobias chuckled. "Tobias Lucas is here" Ash spoke, "Good" Tobias spoke with a smile, "Tobias don't- don't hurt him" Carter spoke, "keep her in here" Tobias spoke. "No Tobias-wait listen to me" Carter spoke, "I'll listen when I come back from teaching that piece of trash a lesson for messing with my wife" Tobias spoke. "Ash you need to stop him- he can't Hurt Lucas" Carter yelled banging on the door. "Carter Tobias isn't a nice person- that's why they call him ruthless" Ash spoke, "You don't understand- Lucas is my brother- my mother got pregnant with Johnathan Muretti- but she married Henry because she didn't want me to be part of the mafia" Carter spoke, "What" Ash spoke, Cursing he took the key out of his pocket, Carter dashed out of the door and down the staircase.

"Carter stay back" Lucas spoke, he was bloody as Tobias stood over him gun pointed. "If you shout Lucas I'll never forgive you" Carter screamed, "You love him that much" Tobias snapped, his hand tightly around the trigger he was ready to get rid of this man. "Stop Tobias" Carter spoke grabbing his hand he, "Don't stop me Carter" Tobias spoke pulling his hands back she stumbled back hitting the bottom of the staircase. "Carter" Lucas yelled kicking Tobias he ran to her, "Lucas my stomach hurts" Carter gasped, "Carter" Tobias spoke, "Get away from her" Lucas snapped punching him, picking Carter up he rushed her to his doctor. Pacing the office Tobias and his group burst through the doors, Lucas grabbed Tobias holding him against the wall. "If anything happens to my sister I'll kill you" Lucas spat, Tobias fell to the floor coughing. "Sister" He spoke standing to his feet, "Carter is a Muretti" Lucas spoke, "Liar- Carter's father is Henry Harrington" Tobias spat, "He's telling the truth" Natasha spoke, "Nat" Tobias spoke, Natasha slapped her brother. "How dare you hurt Carter and your child" Natasha snapped.

"I'm sorry" Tobias spoke holding his head, "I'm so sorry" Tobias spoke. Lucas explained about Carter's mother and his father, how she left and married Henry to give Carter a good life. "I'm the worst- I thought you guys were in love" Tobias yelled punching the wall, "Its fine- it's my fault for not saying anything" Lucas sighed, "She didn't want people to know just yet" Lucas spoke. "But I'm her husband" Tobias spoke, "I love her" Tobias spoke, "Shes still mad at you- for forcing her to marry you- threatening her family" Lucas spoke. "Lucas she wants to see you" The doctor spoke, Lucas nodded.

"Mr. Costello I'm sorry but your baby didn't make it" The doctor spoke, Tobias staggered back, Simon prompted him up, Natasha cried. "She's never going to forgive me" Tobias muttered. "You'll get through this" Ash spoke, Tobias sat on the ground.

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