Dancing with a stranger

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As soon as the room expanded and the disco ball hung from the ceiling, bright and neon colors beamed everywhere. The neon flashing lights were strong enough to blind me a couple of times. I was more confused as ever and I needed answers.

[Y/N] Illinois, please tell me what the hell is going on here!
[Illinois] We don't have time for that. Just go along with my lead and try to listen to the music.
[Y/N] Music?!

Just then, a 1985 time song came into noise and I knew that I was fucked.

Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.

Illinois then went out onto the floor, which now turned into a dance floor. He then began with some steps of a salsa kind of dance. Since it was a great hit in the 1980s, this song had a fast tempo which meant going on a fast pace. And I wasn't trained enough for that.

Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger.
Don't you fight it 'til you tried it, do that conga beat.

Illinois signaled me to come in with him. I shook my head, crossing my arms. Not only that I didn't want to, my leg was hurting like hell and I won't be able to do much. Just then, arrows began to shoot out. I felt Illinois grab my hand and he lead me into the dance.
I looked at him in shock and disbelief. I tried to pull myself out of his grasp, but he had an iron grip. At first, it was a nice dance, but it started to get faster as the music escalated.

Illinois then moved his hands further down. Somewhere where I am most private about. I sneered at him as I slapped them away. I heard him chuckle a little and we both continued to dance to the music.

Everybody gather 'round now.
Let your body feel the heat.
Don't you worry if you can't dance.
Let the music move your feet.

It's the rhythm of the island, and like the sugar cane so sweet.
If you want to do the conga, you've got to listen to the beat.

Illinois let go of my hands and this was the part where we had to dance side by side. As we danced, arrows, axes, maces, and many other kinds of weapons flung and flew everywhere. It's like if we messed up somewhere, there would be a punishment in making the wrong move.

Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger.
Don't you fight it 'til you tried it, do that conga beat.

We danced away into the day. To be honest, this all started to get more fun by the minute. There was a time where I showed my smile and I guess Illinois noticed it. I looked away in embarrassment and continued to dance.

Feel the fire of desire, as you dance the night away.
'Cause tonight we're gonna party, 'til we see the break of day.

Better get yourself together and hold on to what you've got.
Once the music hits your system, there's no way you're gonna stop.

As we danced, I just gave in from hiding my cheerfulness and I smiled throughout the whole thing. There was times where Illinois would signal me to come to him and I did and I jumped into his arms while he catch me and spin me around in the arm.

There was also a time where we would run towards each other and he rested his arm around my waist as we spun around while holding onto each other. After that, Illinois would take my hand and spin me around some more.

And he would grab my waist as I kinda cartwheeled while he held me. Soon, I would spin fast and he would hold my hand and I arch my back. At that time, I could see a huge axe fly horizontal in front of my face. This whole time, I didn't even notice the weapons.

Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger.
Don't you fight it 'til you tried it, do that conga beat.

This was so exciting. The whole experience. I have never had this interaction with anyone before. Not even Mark. Because I didn't have much time and I wasn't very interested. But now that I am experiencing it, I wouldn't mine doing it again without weapons flying at us.

But I don't think it'll happen with Illinois. Because I barely met the guy and he is a bit too pushy into the direction I am most uncomfortable with. I would rather do it with anyone but him.

Anyway, we were getting closer to the end and I could see we were almost at the end of the room to the exit. We both started to get ready for the ending steps so we could go out. I want this moment to last longer but I knew that I have much more to do in the outside world.

Come on shake your body baby do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger.
Don't you fight it 'til you tried it, do that conga.

Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.
I know you can't control yourself any longer.
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger.
Don't you fight it 'til you tried it, do that conga beat.

We slowly started to get closer and closer to the end. But, Illinois misplaced his foot and he fell down. There, I could see a weapon form and fly to him. I knew I couldn't let him die there. So I ran up to him, getting him up and some how causing us to get into a non stop spinning loop.

We didn't know what was happening except us spinning around and around. But, at least there were no weapons hitting us.

Come on, shake your body baby, do the conga.

Just as the song ended, we fell down onto the other side. Me on top while he was on bottom. We were both a panting mess. I looked at the dance floor to see it was going back to its original state. But there was one more feature. When it came back, there were corpses of humans that also tried but failed this obstacle.

I looked down at Illinois, him breathing fast. He looked at me then the position we were in. Just then, I felt something poking down below. I knew what it was and I immediately got off.

I dusted myself off, not even daring to hold out my hand for Illinois. He got up and dusted himself off looking at the hall. He then looked at me.

[Illinois] Thank you again for saving me.
[Y/N] It was nothing. I'm such a fool.
[Illinois] For what? Your performance was perfect. At least you didn't mess up like I did. And that was you're first time.
[Y/N] Fools can't dance.
[Illinois] You are not a fool and you can dance. I know because I seen it.

He placed his hand on my shoulder. I flinched at his action and I looked at his hand like it was an foreign thing. I then brushed off his hand, then looked at my hand. I then wiped my hand against Illinois's arm. He laughed out loud as I walked out.

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