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 "Beam Manager ~ How do you know Evil Bos?" One of the female workers sitting next to him asked as he leaned his body into Beam's arm.

 It has been a week since Beam joined the Global Asian Trade .  The employees put it in the office Chat Group. So now Beam knows that all employees call Forth Evil.  He also knows about the code given by the employees in the Group. Code created based on Forth's mood. Code blue for good mood, yellow for mood a little bad and red as a sign of danger.  And he also knew that the employees called him a guardian angel. Beam chuckles. He was famous as a troublemaker in his office before and now when compared to Forth, he was like an angel.  He really wants to laugh.  

 "The boss picked me up at the bar," answered Beam, while drinking his beer.  They held an office dinner with a Forth credit card but Forth could not come because they had to travel on business to China.  So Beam lost the mood to party.

 Everyone laughed at Beam's answer "You are a very funny Beam Manager" said the woman while beating Beam's shoulder.  Beam tries to smile. But he did not enjoy the party at all.

 "Okay everyone. Let's spend the boss's evil money until there's nothing left," he shouted.  Everyone laughed and raised their glasses in agreement. An hour later almost everyone was lying on a table or chair.  Beam clucked, he decided to go home. He called the driver's service and went home with betty.  

 When he returned to Forth's apartment, the atmosphere was so quiet and cold.  Beam hates this feeling. Feeling like everyone left it. First his father chose to leave him and his mother and then remarried.  Then his mother who now chooses to remarry. Then Phana and Kit, her best friend, chose to live with their boyfriends. Daniel chose to marry a woman.  And Forth .....

 He was nobody to Beam a few weeks ago but now, he is everything that  Beam is looking for. Beam knows, one day Forth will also leave him. Beam sighed.  He walked to his room and lay down. He looked at his cellphone. Boss Evil, the jerk Jaturapoom, didn't call  him all this time.

 "Report. I've spent all your money to the highest limit," he sent to Forth.

 Forth, who was currently drinking with some of his colleagues, turned his attention and took his trembling cellphone.  Not many people know about the telephone number. For business matters, Forth gave Lam's number. Forth read Beam's message and smiled.

 "You know that my credit card is unlimited? Besides, I will deduct party expenses from your year-end bonus," he replied.

Beam rose from his sleep to see Forth's answer "Miserly" sent him.  

 Forth laughed at Beam's answer.  Lam looked at Forth and cleared his throat.

 "Beam?"  he asked.  Forth turned his attention from Mobile to Lam.

 "Um ... how do you know?"  Forth answered.

 "Do you know what nicknames people gave you when we were in school?"  Lam asked. Forth looked at Lam confused.

 "Ice prince because you are as cold as ice. Don't laugh and talk the way you are laughing now," Lam replied.  Forth still stared in confusion at Lam.

 "You changed Man," he replied.  Forth snorted "you are too much" he evaded.

 "Really. Try smiling at me," Lam said.  Forth looked sourly at Lam "Why should I do it. Disgusting" he said.  Lam pouted.  

 Forth turned his attention from Lam to his cellphone

 "If you don't come back quickly, I'll make a mess in your house. Aren't you worried?"  send Beam. Forth laughed again

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