"No One Knows"

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No one knows

 Beam looked at the calendar in front of him.  He waited for Forth to finish his work. Currently there are only him and Forth and Lam in this office.  Tomorrow on the 8th. It doesn't feel like it's been six months since he separated from Daniel.  

 Beam was shocked when he suddenly felt forth putting his hands around his waist and putting his chin on Beam's shoulder.

 "What do you think?"  asked Forth.

 Beam looked at Forth and smiled softly "Nothing".  He knew how Forth was very sensitive when he talked about Daniel.

 Forth looked at the calendar in front of him.  He knows what day is tomorrow. Daniel sent an invitation to his office.

 "You want to go?"  asked Forth. Beam fell silent.

 "Where to?"  he asked confused.

 Forth turned Beam's body and kissed his lips "I don't mind you going. I'll accompany you," he said.

 Beam looked at Forth in surprise "Really?"  he asked uncertainly. Daniel might be a jerk but after all, he owes Daniel a lot of gratitude.  Daniel taught him many things.

 Forth sighed and hugged Beam "Let's just say this is my thanks to him because he was so stupid and left you. If he didn't do it, you wouldn't be here, with me"

 Beam smiles.  He buried his face in Forth's chest.  He loved the smell of Forth's body. Like the rainy season.  Cool and refreshing.

 "Thanks," he said.

 Forth let go of his arms and put his hands on Beam's face "But you can't talk alone with him. Without me" he threatened.

 Beam smiles.  He pulled Forth's collar and kissed Forth deeply.  Forth closed his eyes and kissed Beam in return.

 "Very possessive," Beam sneered.  Forth snorted "like you are not possessive" Forth said while pulling Beam into his arms and kissing Beam deeply.  He brought Beam to the couch without releasing his kiss.

 Lam gulped when he saw Forth kissing Beam in his study.

 "Gez ... they don't know the situation lately," Lam said.  The employees started gossiping about them but no one dared to ask.  Compromising Forth is tantamount to finding death. If Beam is going out with Forth, no one will oppose.  From the beginning they had seen how Forth treated Beam special. Lam hurried into the room Forth and took the remote to close access to the room from outside.  

 Forth only stared at Lam sharply without releasing Beam from his lips.  Lam rolled his eyes and walked out of Forth's office immediately. He put on his headphones when he got to his desk.  He did not want to hear any noise from inside Forth's room.  


 Beam walked nervously next to Forth.  He will meet Daniel and his old office friend.  He did not say goodbye to them. Everyone stared at Beam in surprise when Beam appeared next to Forth.  Forth saw how Beam was very popular. Men and women gathered around him.

 "Ai Beam. Where have you been! Why resign without telling us!"  protested his classmates first. Beam can only smile and try to greet them modestly.  He could feel the threatening aura coming out of Forth. Forth didn't say anything and just stood beside Beam.

 Everyone began to realize the existence of Forth a few moments later.  Beam's female friend starts asking Beam about Forth.

 "Introduce ehm ... this is my boss. Forth" said Beam.  Everyone offered their hands but Forth refused to accept the helping hand.  Beam rolled his eyes.

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