I'm (not) in love with you

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Beam won the tender with Commindo.  Of course. But that did not make him happy.  As promised, Forth invited him and his team to drink.  All the staff under the Beam were shocked when they heard the beam saying that they would drink with their boss Evil.  Their boss, Forth Jaturapoom Jamonrhum, has never been seen drinking with other employees except at company anniversary events.

 "Why?"  Beam asked in surprise when all his men were silent when he announced that Boss was treating them to a drink together.  They all shook their heads. To be honest they are afraid. What if they get drunk and make a mistake. So no one spoke.  They drink slowly in front of Forth. The atmosphere in the VIP room was so cold. Everyone stared fearfully at Forth. Beam chuckles.

 "Are we having a party or a funeral?"  said Beam.

 Forth who sat next to him smiled.  Everyone gasped

 "Don't mind me, you guys can have fun" Forth said while drinking his drink.  Beam chuckles.

 "Nobody will fire you guys just because you are having fun," Beam said. "Anyway, the boss will treat us. He will be sad if the money doesn't run out tonight," he joked.  His men looked at each other for a moment. But they then smiled and began to drink casually.

 "Right. They have the savior angel here," they thought

 Forth only shook his head when a few minutes later he saw his staff start drinking and karaoke uncontrollably.

 He looked away and looked at Beam.  Beam drinks while laughing watching his man's madness.  But somehow, he felt Beam was not as usual.

 "Are you alright?"  Forth asked Beam. Beam looked away and looked at Forth.  He looked at Forth confused.

 "Do I look bad?"  he asked.

 Forth shrugged his shoulders.

 "I don't know. Don't you feel happy about  winning this tender?" he asked.

 Beam smiles but his eyes don't.

 "I'm happy boss. Thank you for trusting me," he said.

 Forth stared at Beam for a moment.

 Maybe he is wrong.

 Maybe Beam is just tired.

 He thought.

 "Um ..." Forth looked away and looked at Lam who was now singing a traditional song while dancing.

 "Good for you," he said, rubbing Beam's head.  Beam fell silent. He drinks his beer and smiles faintly.


Beam and Forth returned home after handling their drunken men.  Even Forth had to take Lam who was half-conscious to his house. This is why Forth doesn't like drinking together.  Too troublesome and tiring. Beam said nothing after they arrived at his apartment. He just went into his room and closed himself.  Forth sighed. He did not know how to deal with this situation. He prefers to face Beam who is angry with him than Beam who has closed himself.  

 Forth tried to ignore the beam.  He made coffee and checked his work when suddenly he heard someone ring the bell of his apartment.  He stared at the intercom on his door. A girl in her school uniform stands in front of Forth's door.  Forth chuckled.

 "What are you doing here? You know what time it is," Forth said through his intercom.  The child showed his pitiful face to the front of the camera.

 "Just for tonight, let me stay here phi, pleaseee" he persuaded.  Forth chuckled

 "Go home," Forth said.  He won't be eaten by the kid's seduction in front of him.  The girl crossed his arms in his chest and looked at the frowning camera.

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