I Can't Live Without You

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 "Beam please ....." Forth paused.  He just stared blankly at his left side.  Usually Beam will be there. Being serious while cutting something he gives.

 Forth sighed.

 "Stupid. Beam is no longer here. Move on," he snapped in his heart.  Forth looked at the sandwich in front of him.  

 "Now what am I going to do with this?"  he asked himself. The habit of making Forth unconsciously cooks for two servings.  Forth massaged his head which hurt.

 "He probably hasn't had breakfast this morning," he said.  So Forth wrapped a serving of sandwiches to take to the office


 Beam looked at his masterpiece.  The bread in his hand is slightly charred.  


 Not a little

 But it's burnt 

 And the eggs inside are still half cooked.  He had helped Forth cook for weeks but why he still couldn't do it himself.  Beam sighed. He threw his trial sandwich into the trash can and took his bag.  He missed Forth's cooking. He imagined what Forth had cooked this morning.

 Beam hit his cheeks.

 "Stop thinking about it. It's better to go to work, maybe there's something to eat in the office," he thought.  So he decided to go to the office faster.


 All of his employees looked at Beam confused because Beam arrived early. Usually he doesn't.

 "Morning sir, so fast?"  asked the employees kindly.  They like Beam. Their guardian angel.  Since Beam was the manager, their division was far from disastrous.  In addition, Beam is not only kind but also handsome, so the employees feel happy.  Beam becomes their own motivation for going to the office

 "Um ... I came quickly for breakfast. Is there a canteen or something in this office?"  Beam asked. Everyone stared at Beam in surprise.

 "You have never been to the canteen?"  they asked.

 Beam smiled broadly while scratching his non-itchy head.  Of course not, he always eats with the noble Forth. But there's no way he told his employees.  Now, without Forth, it's time to return to being a commoner.

 "There are many options below. Want to go with us?"  bargain for his employees.

 Beam smiled happily and nodded.  He put his bag in his office and joined his men.  But only a few steps all his men stopped walking and fell silent.  They looked at the Evil Boss who walked towards them with cold faces.  Everyone inched behind Beam. Evil Bos never goes to the employee lounge.  Being summoned by him to the room alone was already terrible enough. Now, they watched the Evil Bos walk with a cold face towards them.  Cold sweat began to pour from their foreheads and they began to pray according to their respective beliefs.  

 "Where are you going?"  Forth asked when he saw Beam and his men gathered.

 "Morning boss," he said, "I want to have breakfast with the others," answered Beam.  Forth was silent. He looked at the package in his hand. He sighed. He should know, Beam doesn't need food.  Of course there are so many options out there.

 Beam, who saw Forth thinking hard in front of him, could only smile "What's that for me?"  he asked. Beam knows how Forth. His pride sometimes makes it difficult to be open.

 Forth averted his gaze from the package to Beam's face.  Beam smiled broadly at him. Forth let out a sigh then thrust a package in front of Beam's face.

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