End of Trip

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Beam had nothing when he decided to leave his parents since he was hired.  He only has a suitcase and an empty house. Empty heart. Silence became a part of his life.  Then men come and go. He realized that love was too luxurious for him. Until he met Forth. Forth gave everything he thought he would never have.  Home, Work, Attention, Love, and Life.

 "Are you not going to regret it?"  Beam asked the night they were going to get married.  Neither Forth nor Beam received their parents' blessing.  But Forth did not want to delay their marriage. He did not want Beam to come back from his hands a third time.  

 Forth hugged Beam tightly.  Forth knows Beam's greatest fear.

 "Right, I regret meeting you at the bar and bringing you into my life," he whispered.  Forth can feel that Beam stiffens in his arms. He smiled with satisfaction. He loved how Beam was so afraid of losing himself.  

 "Because since I met you, I have not been able to let you go. You are so troublesome and always make me worry. You eat a lot too," whispered Forth.  Beam looked at Forth angrily and hit his chest. Forth laughed while continuing to hug Beam.  

 "I won't change my mind. This marriage is too expensive to cancel," he teased again.  Beam smiles. He loved how Forth always tried to calm his mind with jokes. Forth is so calm and not mature like him.

 "Therefore, I hope you will replace it many times. I demand interest. With the highest interest rates," he teased again as he ran his fingers under the Beam's clothes.  Beam sighed and looked into Forth's eyes. forth looked at him softly and kissed her lips slowly.

 "Even a lifetime won't be enough to pay off the principal and the interest," Forth said, removing Beam's pants.  Beam sighed into Forth's chest when he felt Forth's fingers enter his body.

 "You're worse than a rentainer," he whispered helplessly as Forth's fingers began to move inside his body.

 "You just found out ..." said Forth while kissing Beam's lips softly.

 "Didn't your parents ever warn you not to accept strangers' invitation?"  Forth teased while replacing his fingers with his monster who couldn't wait to feel the warmth of Beam's body.

 "Arghhh ..." Beam shook his head.  He felt full and burning. His breathing is so heavy.  He looked at Forth "My mother and father never cared" he replied.

 Forth smiled faintly "Well, don't be surprised if you are so easily seduced" he teased again while moving slowly into Beam's body.  Beam sighed and embraced Forth. Forth traced his lips to Beam's neck. Tomorrow is their wedding day, but Forth doesn't release Beam easily.  He intends to withdraw all of Beam's love for him. In return for the love he gave.


 After their controversial marriage, Forth brought a honeymoon Beam to the Maldives.  Keeping Beam away from journalists and politicians who use their condition to bring down his father.

 "Hey Boss, want to kill me and throw my body into the ocean or want to honeymoon?"  Beam asked, looking at the small island before his eyes. But what fascinated him was the expanse of open sea that surrounded the only island there.  The clear sea sparkles in the sun. If Forth kills and throws him into the sea, Beam is sure the FBI will find his body easily.

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