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 "Ok mae ok ..... krab ..... krab ....." Forth showed a sour face before hanging up the phone.  He sighed.

 "Your mother?"  Lam asked.

 Beam only glanced briefly when Lam mentioned the word Mother.  He refocused on the report in his left hand and the hamburger in his right hand.

 Forth nodded.

 "He also called me many times. Making sure that I would come to their event," Lam said.

 Forth sighed "He gave me a headache," said Forth.

 "So ... ehm ..." Lam looked at Beam and Forth alternately "Is Beam going to join us this year?"  teased Lam. Forth choked on his food. While Beam stopped chewing his food and looked at Lam confused.

 "Joining in?"  he asked confused.

 Lam looked at Forth sharply "You didn't ask him ?!"

 Forth sighed and drank water so the food in his throat could flow smoothly.

 "Where?"  Beam asked.

 Lam shook his head and put his food "Seriously Forth" Lam said sharply.

 Beam looked at Lam and Forth annoyed.  They talked about him as if he wasn't there.

 "I intend to say it tonight," said Forth.

 Lam snorted "I'm disappointed in you," Lam said, crossing his arms across his chest.  Forth let out another sigh.

 Beam angrily and hit the table "Are you not going to tell me?"

 Forth and Lam looked at Beam in surprise.  As if they just realized that Beam is with them.  Beam turned to Forth. Forth swallowed hard and looked at Beam softly.

 "T-tomorrow is my parents' 35 marriage anniversary celebration. Will you go with me?"  asked Forth. Beam fell silent and looked at Forth sharply.

 "I intended to invite you away tonight but-"

 "No," Beam answered.  Forth paused and looked at Beam who was again busy with his report.  Lam sighed. Forth sometimes is very insensitive.

 "Why?"  asked Forth

 Beam looked at Forth casually "Why should I come? Anyway, what would you explain if I came with you?"  Beam asked.

 Forth was silent.  He looked at Lam but Lam decided not to interfere with their household affairs.

 "Lam will also come," said Forth.

 Lam snorted "stupid" he whispered to himself.

 "Of course. Lam was your best friend from childhood. What about me?"  said Beam.

 Forth sighed.  He held Beam's soft hand "You are an important person in my life. More important than Lam"

 Lam looked at Forth in disbelief 

 "I will introduce you as my boyfriend if you don't mind. But if you feel unsure, I will introduce you as my employee as well as my friend," Forth persuaded "Whatever, as long as you go with me," he said.

Beam looked into Forth's eyes.  He took a deep breath "What if ..." he said doubtfully.  

 Forth touched Beam's cheek and rubbed it gently.  Lam who watched them both could only clear their throat.  How would Forth hide his obvious feelings in front of his parents?  Lam thought.  

 "If they are suspicious. I will answer honestly," said Forth.

 Beam sighed.  He looked down and thought for a moment before nodding.  Forth smiled with relief and held Beam's hand tightly.

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