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Forth POV.

 In the past, I dated a lot of women.  The gossip column never stopped preaching about the woman I slept with.  But when they couldn't compete with my love for my work, they began to leave me.  I began to feel comfortable with my loneliness. Until he comes. Barame Vongviphan.  I do many things out of my habit when with him. Inviting others into my life without getting to know him more.  I even enjoyed how he uniquely tried to manage my life and the way I run my company. And I like how he changed my life and my company.  I thought I would never think of others as much as I thought of my work but I was wrong. During these 3 days, without him , I did not enjoy my work at all.  I only thought of him. So without thinking, I made this decision.

 "I may not be gay. I have never found another man attractive but, Since you first saw you, you stole my attention and heart. So, will you go home with me?"  I asked. Beam still looked at me unblinkingly. I can see the mixture of feelings on her charming face. Surprised, confused, happy, and sad.

 After a few moments of silence while staring at me with his two black eyes that were so contrasting with the color of his skin, Beam said "Are you kidding?  I licked my lower lip involuntarily. I can still remember how his lips felt on my lips.

I cleared my throat.  Trying to expel the sexual urge between us and try to start talking seriously.  But instead I put out stupid phrases like "If a kiss isn't enough to convince we can move to the room and I can show how serious I am" 

 I want to slap myself but seeing his reaction, I want to give credit to my dirty brain.  Pale Beam skin is now reddened. I tried hard not to stick my lips to his skin that did not meet red.  I want red to fill the entire surface of the skin.

 But my logic is trying to push my consciousness.  I came here to take him home with me. Not ending up sleeping with him which will make me look even more unconvincing in his eyes.

 "Wh-have you gone crazy," he said, turning his face away from mine.

 "You can't suddenly come and say that you want me to stay with you," he protested.

 I chuckle.  The current high-selling attitude is in sharp contrast to our first meeting.

 "One month ago you thoughtlessly agreed to stay with me on the first day you knew me" I replied.  Beam looked back at me frantically. This time it was not only his cheeks and red ears but also his entire face and neck.  And that makes my heart beat violently. My hand on his cheek now drops to his smooth neck.

 I had to take a deep breath just to calm my mind.

 "That's because it's an emergency," he evoked with an annoyed face.

 I tried to hold my smile.  That face made me remember why I liked it from the day we met.  Although the story of his life sounds sad but his eyes radiate life.  Like, no matter how many people hurt him, those eyes still emit life. Even when he said goodbye to Daniel, those eyes looked optimistic even though tears welled up on the surface.

 "If you are only willing to move in an emergency then I can create it," I said.  He looked at me confused.

 "I can ask the owner of this place to give me this apartment. I can pay whatever. Or better. I can buy this apartment."

 And immediately his eyes looked at me surprised.

 "Or maybe a more subtle way. If you don't want to live in my apartment, I can move here," I said casually.  I was determined to bring it home with me with or without coercion.  

 "That's a violation of privacy!"  he protested "I will report you to the authorities" he said irritably as he brushed my hands off his body and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

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