I decided to talk with Colin first and then with Erin.
I should tell Colin that I have no feelings for him, I can't keep him waiting on me, that's not fair. I clearly know that I'm into Erin.
I want to clear all this mess as fast as I can, I can't deal with this stress anymore. I'll confess my feelings to Erin, at least then he will say something.
All these days I waited for him, I expected him to speak out his feelings without saying mine, how I feel about him. Now I'll let him know my feelings, it's better to say it out than to keep the bottle up inside.
I don't know whether I can take any negative shit, but right now I made up my mind and I don't want to change it. After making up my mind I slept peacefully.
After my classes, I headed towards the parking area to meet Colin. I searched for him for a while then I found his car and walked towards it, as he needs to come to his car. As I walked close to his car, Colin already reached his car from the other side and opened the door. I screamed lightly because he didn't know that I'm coming
He looked at me with a blank face but didn't bother to stop. He got inside the car and drove away, making my eyes wide open. What just happened? He ignored me?? I smirked myself and trudged towards Rachel's car with full disappointment.I stopped when I reach her car, but she isn't here yet. I looked around will my dull face. It's cold and a little windy. The chain around my neck became colder, a cool breeze hit me and I shivered a little, I folded my hands to cover myself and to feel the warmth of my body.
I waited for Rachel for more than five minutes, for now, then I turned my head to my right side and saw Erin walking between the parked cars. He's wearing a thick ash colour hoodie and covered his head with a hood. He's walking in my direction.
He caught me looking at him from a distance and I slowly averted my look to the left side. I got surprised when I found out that I'm standing beside Erin car. Oops! They parked their cars beside each other.
I got a strange feeling in my stomach as he walked close and stood near his car. The memories of that night invade before my eyes, we kissed in that car and I looked away.
He opened his car door making a thud sound and I looked at him. We exchanged looks as he's standing there with the door opened, I expected him to offer me a ride back to the mansion. But he didn't, he slowly stepped inside his car, closed the door and started the engine. He made a turning before me and left me in the cold.
So mean Erin! I seethed looking at his car as he picked up speed.
"I'm sorry, come on" I heard Rachel voice as she came and offered me a coffee.
"I felt really cold and went to get a coffee, I brought one for you," she said giving me hot fuming coffee.We got inside the car, I took a sip of the coffee and heaved a heavy breath of disappointment.
"What's bothering you?" Rachel asked me while starting the car engine.
"Almost everything," I told her and she laughed at me.
"Colin ignored me" I whined and she chuckled.
"That's great" she sarcastically commented.
"What's wrong with everyone??" I muttered.
"You wanted that right? You wanted to say Colin to stay away from you" She said.
"Yeah! But not this way" I said and took a sip again "I went to talk with him but he ignored" I added.
"Let him go then" she countered.I made up my mind to reduce the complications but everything going wrong.
I called Dad but he's busy and fell on my bed and hugged my knees, tried to sleep but this cold weather and my miserable head preventing me from my sleep.

People I Don't Know
RomanceSometimes at a point of time, we need to face problems from the people we don't know. I'm Neely Jones from Florida Orlando and I'd recently moved to Austin Texas, where I need to live with people I don't know. And my aggressive Step-brother and his...