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As Adam, Leo, Amber, and Troy sat in the lounge waiting for the time to pass, Dylo had just exited the bathroom.

"Were you in the bathroom-eating a sandwich-the entire time?" Adam asked Dylo as he munched on a bologna sandwich. His metabolism was now at least 100 times faster than the average human due to his immense speed, meaning he had to eat 15 times more than the average human in order to sustain energy.

He didn't have a problem with it, though, as he'd always been a foodie. He'd already eaten seven out of the ten sandwiches that Dr. Matthews had brought them.

"Yep. It was pretty delicious and-what the hell?!" Dylo exclaimed as he looked around the burned, demolished room. "Did I miss something?"

"No, of course not." replied Adam sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, forehead." Dylo replied, annoyed, triggering a sly smile from Adam. "So uh, where'd Doctor Who run off to?"

"No clue," Leo said, "but he told us to meet him in hallway 134 for some-training apparently?"

"Oh, well that's just great. Apparently, even when we've been abducted by some creepy-ass Dr. Phil wannabe, we still have school." Dylo said as he fell back onto the couch.

"Speaking of training, it's almost 3." Amber said as she began to walk to the doorway. "We should get moving."

"What about Kai and Bianca?" Leo asked.

"I'm pretty confident they'll be-busy." Troy said, as he walked through the doorway with Adam, Amber and Leo following him.

"You coming, Dylo?" Leo asked Dylo, who was still laying upside down on the burnt couch. The boy really eluded him. He'd never seen someone that was so hyperactive and so lazy at the same time. Dylo was truly unpredictable. He was glad they were on the same side.

"Eh, I got time to spare." Dylo lazily said with his eyes closed as he began to stretch.

Elsewhere, Kai and Bianca walked through hall 134, not even knowing they were supposed to be there. "Have you two been making out while we were nearly getting burned to shreds?" Adam asked as he and the others spotted them on the other end of the hallway.

Bianca blushed as she looked at Kai. "I wish." She stated. "Where're you guys going?"

Amber shook her head. Bianca always put up that stupid facade around everyone in an effort to get them to think she was some kind of angel. She figured Kai must've been blinded by her beauty like everyone else, because in reality, he was way to good for her. Hopefully all of this superhero stuff going on would distract him from that witch.

"To hallway 134. Doc Brown told us to meet him there." Dylo quipped as he zoomed into the middle of the hallway at just under 100 miles per hour, nearly falling to the floor as he stumbled. The boy really needed to work on stopping. "Anyone know where it is? Can't find it."

"This is hallway 134." Adam corrected Dylo, resisting the urge to laugh at his younger teammate's inexperience. "He's in the basement, third door on the right."

"Oh shit. Kinda hard to register things when the world looks like its moving at 100 miles per hour." Dylo joked.

"And you know this-how exactly?" Troy rudely asked Adam.

"Mind-reader, remember?" Adam replied as Kai opened the door, revealing a set of stairs that led to the basement.

"Pretty dark down there, huh?" Dylo whistled.

"What, you scared of the dark, kid?" Adam mocked.

Dylo scoffed. "Course I'm not scared of the dark, you idiot-just the stuff inside it. Oh, and you're gonna stop calling me "kid" real soon bro, 'cause I'm only like, 7 months younger than you-"

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now