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The walls were bloodstained, and Adam wouldn't be surprised if he and the others stumbled upon a few more corpses.

And to top it all off, Bianca was the last person he wanted to be down there with. She may have been an asshole to Amber, but he definitely wasn't about to take her shit.

Though, she hadn't been acting nearly as insufferable as she had on earlier missions. Her demeanor was more focused and determined, like she actually wanted to be here.

Maybe Amber had finally knocked some sense into the girl.

"Alright, what're we looking for here?" She asked, desperately wishing that she was back at the compound, or anywhere other than there. She wasn't really a fan of the creepy vibe that the place gave, but she had to ignore her own worries.

Thousands of lives were at stake here.

"Anything remotely related to Project Expansion, or Elias-or Matthews." Adam replied as he trotted down the stairs, motioning for the girl to follow him. He surveyed the dark, bereft interior as he flipped on the lights-which to his surprise, still worked.

"Nothing about this has anything to do with Dr. Matthews." Bianca replied. "I'd let go of that suspicion if I were you."

Adam ignored the girl as he scanned the room like a metal detector, picking up anything that looked like it was remotely related to Project X. "Don't hold your breath." He replied as he picked up a dusty, rolled up piece of paper off of the floor.

He blew the dirt off of the paper as he unfolded it, his eyes darting around it. It was clear to him that it was some sort of map of the United States-but it was unfinished. There were red dots scattered around the page on different states, like they were some sort of targets.

Alaska, Oregon, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, among many others.

"Can't believe people worked in this dump." Bianca complained disgustedly, kicking over an empty bucket that lay on the rickety, bereft floorboards.

"Wouldn't be surprised if you did either." Dylo joked from outside the Info Database, soliciting a scowl from his purple-seamed comrade. He blurred between a trio of agents as his fist cracked across all of their jaws like a bolt of lightning.

Eliza had crouched behind one of the desks in the Info Database, occasionally firing off a few daggers every now and then. Whenever someone got too close, they were met with a blade through the chest.

"Haha, very funny." Bianca mocked as she scowled, "What's on that sheet of paper?"

"Looks like a series of targets." Adam replied, walking closer to the light to get a better look at the map he was holding. He caught sight of one of the markings beside the state of Alaska, with a red dot much bigger than the others.

"This one must be where Primus planning to build that machine of his." He stated as he pointed to the huge, scarlet dot plastered to the map's tanned background. "I think we should get going now, guys."

"Is that really all we came for?" Dylo asked, unable to believe that the trail ended there. "That can't be everything, dude. I'm gonna go check upstairs." The boy zipped upstairs in a flash of black and yellow, as his rapid footsteps were heard from below.

After a few seconds had passed, the boy sped back downstairs, speed-talking as his face turned red from the lack of breathing.

"Woah, man. Just slow down, and remember to breathe." Adam said, trying to calm his friend down. "What is it?"

"Just follow me." Dylo swiftly replied as he raced back up the stairs, becoming a blur of motion once more.

Bianca and the others made their way upstairs, finding that Dylo had assembled an old projector screen that he'd found. A cube-like object-presumably where important updates were sent-projected light onto the screen. On the screen showed a young man, presumably in his early twenty's. He looked familiar, but Bianca couldn't figure out who he was.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now