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Kai Brandson grunted as he tossed and turned in his bed, desperately not wanting to emerge from his cozy, comfortable environment.

The harsh glare from the outside world plastered itself on the bedroom wall. He buried his face in his pillow as the rambunctious sound of his alarm clock blared through his ears.

The boy lazily yanked the covers of off himself, resulting in an annoyed shiver. The thermostat in his room was broken, which meant that it was cold nearly all the time. While his skin had adapted to the low temperature, he had to admit that he preferred higher ones.

He slowly extended his arm over to his nightstand, desperately trying to make contact with the snooze button on the blaring device. Eventually, he succeeded. Sometimes he truly wished that he could smash the irritating device to pieces.

The young man very lethargically rose from his slumber, as if he were a zombie moving in molasses. The sharp glare blinding him as he sat up, his mind pondering why he would have to get up this early on the weekend.

Only, it wasn't the weekend. It was Monday of the ninth week of school, the day of the field trip. And he was already late.

Kai quickly turned his head, gazing at his alarm clock, which had been ringing for over an hour. He was an hour late. For a field trip. His heart thundered within his chest as his mind began to retract from his mummy-like state. His mom would definitely have his head if he missed this trip.

He sprouted up from his bed, griping at the fact that he had already missed his leadership training tryouts for ROTC. Cursing to himself in his head, he stumbled over to his closet door, still half asleep, flinging it open in haste. He searched frantically for something to wear, but ended up settling for a worn-out pair of jeans and a sleeveless, gray muscle shirt.

He wasn't the flashy type.

Kai then darted out of his room and into the hallway hurriedly, nearly tripping over one of his little brother's shoes that had carelessly been discarded the night before.

He darted down the hallway for what seemed like minutes for him, but in reality his rapid sprint lasted no longer than a few seconds. As he finally arrived into the living room, he dashed into the kitchen and swiftly snatched his bag off of the dining room chair before speeding out the front door.

Upon getting to his car, he frantically unlocked the door on the driver's side and hopped into the sleek, reflective, red Chevrolet Camaro that his father had bought him before he had passed. While he wasn't really much of a car guy, this was the best birthday gift he'd received in a while.

Kai's father, Ray Brandson, had been a molecular physicist for the leading biotechnology company-Genesis Industries-before he had been murdered, and a very prominent one at that. His discoveries and breakthroughs in molecular physics and bioengineering were lightyears ahead of anything that any other scientist had ever imagined.

The boy hadn't exactly grown up with the standard childhood of your average 17 year-old. Before his father had become one of the world's leading scientists, he'd been an adamant member of the United States Marine Corps.

The man had passed down all of his military knowledge to his son, training him to become the soldier he'd been many years before.

Kai had always been adamant about going into the military, being a soldier like his father was. He was already an exceptional strategist and tactician, having been trained by his old man.

However, the boy was also a skilled combatant. He had to be, if he wanted to be a soldier. Instead of wasting letting his son "throw his life away" by playing sports, his father had trained him in Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Judo, and Kai's personal favorite-Boxing.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now