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Before they could pull their triggers, a yellow blur zipped through the horde of soldiers, knocking the weapons out of their hands in the blink of an eye. Each stride lasted less than a microsecond.

A ferocious breeze whipped past the fire-wielder's face as the speeding streak materialized into a grinning Dylo.

"Well that escalated quickly. And by the way, you totally owe me one." He panted as he smirked, his freckled facial features drenched in sweat. While he could move many times faster than humanly possible, the boy possessed little to no stamina.

In fact, he was thinking about investing in an inhaler soon.

"You sure as hell waited a while before making your grand entrance. Where's everyone else?" Troy grunted, staggering to his feet once more as he rolled to the side, dodging one of the soldiers' throwing knives.

Propping himself up on his knee, he launched another seething fireball towards one of the agents, knocking them backwards. He felt like he was in some sort of action movie.

"Outside, dealing with the rest of the Primus agents. Also, way to blow our cover, man!" Dylo panted, throwing a speeding punch towards one of the soldier's faces, propelling him backwards into a wall.

"Just shut up and run!" Troy replied as he and Dylo darted past Steel as bullets began whizzing past them from all sides. He felt like a major coward running away from conflict like this, but they couldn't fight their way out of this situation.

The two of them regrouped with Amber when they got to the exit doors, relieved to know that she hadn't been killed. Plowing through the titanium doors, they heard a stream of curse words being directed at them-presumably from Steel. Troy resisted the urge to laugh.

Panic ensued as Bianca darted through the hallways, hearing gunshots in every direction she headed. She wasn't able to stick to Kai's plan. The unbelievable feeling of fear proceeded to engulf her entire body.

The confusion and anxiety of not knowing where to move was essentially paralyzing her. Desperately looking for Kai and the others, she turned corners rapidly, trying not to trip over any of the dead bodies, or slip on one of the many puddles of blood.

Eventually, she made her way outside the facility, frantically looking around and hoping the others were okay. Hearing an unfamiliar sound behind her, she turned around, only to be met with a painful energy blast to the chest. She felt the impact of her back colliding with one of the trees, falling to the ground shortly after.

"Who the hell are you?" Bianca asked as she gazed up at the woman in front of her, who was sporting a black body suit, similar to their bio-suits. The only difference was that her suit looked slightly more protective and resistant. Her red hair was up in a ponytail as sunlight reflected off of her golden earrings.

"The name's Rift." The woman said as she looked down at Bianca with a menacing grin. "We're here to bring you into Primus. Courtesy of Ajax, of course."

"Wouldn't really call it a courtesy." Bianca wiped the blood from her mouth as she got back to her feet, acting if she was ready for anything that this woman could throw at her. While she didn't have the time to locate the others, she definitely did have time to kick this woman's rude ass.

"Gonna have to try a bit harder than that." She muttered.

Rift smiled slyly, letting out a soft chuckle, then proceeded to fire a beam of intense energy in Bianca's direction. Instinctively, Bianca summoned her force field to absorb the shock and block the blast. The beam of energy was deflected off of the force field, bouncing back towards Rift as she barely dodged it.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now