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Adam leaned up against the doorframe to the Battleground as he admirably watched Eliza's sparring session with Agent Owens. He didn't know what eluded him about her so much. She seemed like a bit of a dick, but no one really seemed to mind.

She had a commanding tone when she spoke, similar to Kai's, but much more fierce. Shortly after their team had rescued her from Elias' clutches, he and the others had learned how she'd been captured in the first place.

Turns out she was actually a high-ranking Genesis agent, operating under the codename Cloak. According to her file in PAL's database, stealth, espionage, and infiltration were her areas of expertise. She and a small squad of agents had been personally dispatched by Director Callan to accumulate some intel about Elias' plans, but had been captured and imprisoned in The Vault.

He'd honestly began to wonder if super soldier blood was just in Director Callan's genes. His daughter had been trained to such an extent that she was essentially a super soldier, and his son was an actual super soldier. He wished he could get a piece of that action.

Eliza weaved one of the man's punches as she landed a flurry of swift strikes to his padded abdomen. Owens attempted a strike to the girl's temple, but she was far to quick to be caught by the relatively slow attack.

As she stepped in to get behind Owens, she simultaneously lifted her other leg in the air. Once she was behind her opponent, she reaped her airborne leg behind Owens' own in order to lift his leg off the ground.

This motion, combined with her control of her body, forced the muscular operative onto the mat with a thud.

Kai watched from across the room, impressed. The girl had just executed a perfect Osoto Gari throw that looked like it had come straight out of a Judo guidebook. However, since stealth an espionage seemed to be her niche, he dubbed her to be tad bit lower than him in terms of hand-to-hand combat skill, since it was merely another tool in her arsenal.

Director Callan was planning to split the eight of them into two separate teams for the day's mission. Team One would be going undercover to one of Primus' new headquarters to see if they could uncover anything about Project Expansion.

Team Two would stay at the compound-currently dubbed The Hall by the various agents-to watch over Elias and the other detained Primus ops.

"You're pretty good." Kai complimented.

"You expected otherwise?" Eliza sharply asked with a smirk as she began to sharpen one of her daggers, which seemed to be her signature weapons. In fact seemed to be as good with her daggers as Amber was with her bow.

"Not really, no." Adam chimed in.

"Maybe if you focused on mastering your powers as much as you focus on your hair, you wouldn't have such a low combat rating." Kai jabbed, smirking as he mounted his sword onto his back.

"I'll have you know that this hair of mine proves to be a very reliable distraction in battle." Adam snapped as he scowled at his leader, adjusting his hair with his hand.

"Guys, guys, he's got a point there." Dylo chuckled from down the hall, walking toward them with a book in his hand. "It's probably so slick that it could cause an oil spill."

A laugh sprung from Kai and Eliza's throats, permeating the room. Even Agent Owens smirked.

Adam started off with a scowl, but it couldn't help but turn into a grin. He had to admit, he'd grown pretty fond of Dylo since they'd first met. At first he'd just dismissed him as some irresponsible kid, but he'd slowly realized that he was pretty cool to hang around.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now