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Dylo's deep, penetrating blue eyes fell down to the cuffs that hindered his arms from moving. Even through his bio-suit, the edges of those things hurt like hell. They felt like they were slowly cutting into his wrists, growing sharper every second.

He figured that if it hadn't been for his bio-suit, his hands would've been severed already.

Their squad had been separated by the Primus agents and ushered into three separate, armored vans. If the circumstances weren't so dire, he would've chuckled. This was the exact same thing that had happened to them after they'd been hit by the Genodium.

That was how it all started, so it only made sense that it ended in the same way.

He'd found himself being squished between a pair of heavily-armored mercenaries. The boy wondered how they even managed to move with those hefty suits on. The men sported jaded, metal helmets that also acted as masks, only revealing two slits for their menacing eyes to protrude through.

He sighed heavily as he heard Troy arguing with one of the soldiers in the backseat, as opposed to Eliza, who leaned against the door of the van, no words escaping from her lips. Despite her current circumstances, a fairly tranquil expression rested upon the girl's lean features.

Dylo wasn't surprised, as the girl had been trained from birth to become a living weapon. She'd probably found herself in this exact situation at least a hundred times. Although, he was sort of surprised that she hadn't found them a way out yet.

But then again, one of her friends had just been killed not even five minutes before. From the way they'd talked, he guessed that they'd known each other for a good amount of time. Since the loss was clearly taking it's toll on her, he guessed that it was best to just give her the benefit of the doubt.

"What're you gonna do now, fire boy?" The soldier on Troy's left taunted, poking the pyrokinetic in the shoulder with the barrel of his gun.

"Take these cuffs off and you'll find out." Troy sneered, nudging the operative in the shoulder as hard as he could manage. His hair swung to the side as he executed the small attack, unfortunately ceasing motion right in front of his right eye, limiting his sight.

He groaned inwardly in an irritated manner.

Eliza squirmed and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, scooting away from the two dueling dudes. "Ugh, typical men." She muttered to herself as she rolled her eyes, blowing some of her coal-colored hair out of her face. It'd been irritating her since she'd been ushered into the van.

"You two better can it back there!" Rift shouted from the driver's seat, the woman's fiery, red hair swinging back and forth like a pendulum as she made a few sharp turns. The color of her hair was a sharp contrast to her steaming, diamond-colored eyes.

"Who are you even supposed to be anyways, lady? Ajax's girlfriend or something?" The blond babbled, his foot beginning to tap at a more rapid pace than ever before. This rude woman had been taunting them the entire ride, attempting to get a rise out of them.

It had gotten old very quickly.

"If you must know, boy, the two of us are Primus' highest-ranking agents." Steel replied arrogantly as the van neared the towering fortress. His skin had reverted from it's metallic form and back to it's organic state. "But I wouldn't expect a menace such as yourself to understand."

"Right, because we're clearly the menaces here when you're assaulting us with that haircut." Dylo sighed. The blond would've thrown his hands up in frustration, but seeing that he was handcuffed, he simply slumped back in his seat.

Troy softly chuckled. Even he had to admit, that was kind of hilarious.

"Say one more word, and you'll have a bullet in you head, kid." One of the agents beside Dylo sneered at the boy, beginning to grow annoyed with his constant chatter. Dylo noticed the man's irritated expression through his mask. The man probably missed breakfast that morning.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now