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The plan was simple-at least, it had seemed that way at first.

Adam's fingers ran through his thick, black hair, as he adjusted his green-seamed bio-suit, trying to distract himself from the immense headache he was having. His telepathic abilities really put a strain on his brain. Though Kai had told them that they'd be getting up early to sneak out of the facility, he never expected the plan to be executed at 6:00 in the morning.

If only the jet wasn't departing so early. He wasn't used to waking up before the sun came up, but Kai had told him that he was the most important part of the plan. If he didn't get those flight times, then they wouldn't be able to get onto the jet and get to Primus.

He'd always wondered if there was some sort of evil organization plotting to take over the world-as it was one of his many conspiracy theories-but he never would've expected it to be real.

"You know some of us do this thing called sleeping, right?" Dylo grumbled to his chiseled friend, rubbing his bloodshot eyes with his index fingers as his vision began to focus.

"Yeah? Well, evil never rests, and neither will I. Not until we know for a fact that Elias is taken down for good." Kai whispered, holding up his hand to signal the rest of the group to stop.

He peered down the white, bereft corridor as he spotted an agent-Agent Owens, otherwise known as Echo. He didn't know why they called him that, though, because it was clear that he was just a normal human.

Still, if he caught them, they'd most definitely be in a mound of trouble. While he'd been working with a plethora of instructors around the facility to learn how to regulate his strength, he still hadn't completely mastered it yet.

But, that was a chance he'd have to take. Leo could only disable the surveillance cameras in the corridor for about 5 minutes, meaning they'd have to make this escape quick. He could only absorb so much electricity without overloading his body's cells.

He held his hand up as he shaped it into a fist, pointing his knuckle towards the metallic wall.

"What the hell are you doing? You're gonna give our cover away!" Dylo whispered, his eyebrows so high up that they looked as if they would soon disappear into his hairline. Kai would've elbowed him in the arm to get him to shut up, but Troy beat him to it.

"Just shut up and trust me." Kai hissed, knocking on the metal exterior as hard as possible, denting it with ease. He watched as Agent Owens perked up, his head turning over to their position at the speed of light.

Hearing the sound of the man's clunky boots striking the clattering floor, Kai posted his back up against the wall, holding a finger to his lips to quiet the six others down. Though, Leo was already silent.

A swift, small strategy zipped through Kai's mind as the speed of light, thinking back to his dad's combat teachings. Due to the weak structure of the temple and the sensitive arterial system underneath the area, it was a prime zone for inducing trauma to the brain.

He figured that with his superhuman strength, one light strike to the head in that area would be able to knock the agent unconscious.

The agent arrived around the corner as he was met with a swift palm to his temple. The armored operative toppled over, falling sideways and nearly hitting the ground as Dylo caught him in a blur of black and yellow. For a second, Kai thought he killed the guy.

"I say we put him in the janitor's closet." Amber suggested, brushing her brown hair out of her freckled face. "It's far away from the hangar doors. Plus, judging from how hard you hit him, he's not gonna be up for a while."

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now