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Kai walked over to the smooth, dark, granite table, sternly gazing at his new gear. It looked to be some sort of gauntlet-identical to the gloves of his suit-and it piqued the boy's interest.

"Kai, what you're looking at is your new electromagnetic gauntlet-or Magno-glove, as I like to call it. The magnet inside of it is a specially designed Chromanium super-magnet. It responds to your neural signals, allowing you to call your sword back to you almost instantly whenever you're in a pinch."

His eyebrows shot up the second Dr. Matthews mentioned his Chromanium sword. That was just what he needed. Perfect. Before, he'd clearly been the least versatile member of the team; maybe this would level the playing field a bit.

He looked over at the silver wristwatch-looking device with a red, glowing circle in the middle of it. It was placed right by his new Magno-glove, so he assumed that it was his. It looked to be similar to Bianca's bio-shield.

Dr. Matthews noticed the boy's unwavering glance.

"Oh, that's your new bio-shield I designed specifically for your capabilities. This energy shield is able to be thrown and can ricochet off surfaces to hit targets, before coming back to the flexible containment matrix mounted on your wrist. Go ahead and give it a try."

The boy strapped the silver device onto his wrist, clenching his fist as a glowing, transparent red disc popped up from the containment matrix with a low hum. The shield was red, with a white, five-pointed star design in the center of the circular weapon. It was weightless, so it wouldn't slow him down in battle.

He hadn't been a fan of ranged weapons before, but he figured that this was one he could get behind. After all, combining his quick fighting style with his shield would make for some highly effective combinations.

"Adam, Troy, you're next." Dr. Matthews gestured to a pair of green gloves that sat atop the granite table.

"These gloves are designed to augment your telekinetic abilities, allowing you to create concentrated telekinetic blasts, and levitate much higher and faster for a longer amount of time."

"Sweet." Adam replied, swiftly grabbing the gloves and placing them in his pocket. He was eager to try them on, but the others hadn't tried their new gear out yet, so he figured he'd wait.

Dylo strained his neck to look at Troy's gloves, finding that they had the Genesis Insignia plastered on top of them. He looked around the room, realizing that their logo was basically everywhere. On the chairs, the couch, even the refrigerator.

"These guys sure do like to brand everything." He muttered.

"So, what do these do?" Troy added, staring at his new gloves. They were black, with an orange mesh integrated into them.

"I call them pyro-gloves. Similar to Amber's bio-suit, they siphon the thermal energy from the environment around you and convert it into pyrokinetic energy, allowing your flames to pack a heavier punch than they did originally. They also give you greater control over your powers."

Troy put them on immediately. While the exterior of the gloves were rough, armored and impact-resistant, the inside of them was actually very soft.

They reminded him of himself.

"And Bianca, since I heard that you were quite the gymnast back in Grayfield, I designed what I like to call holo-boots. They allow you to generate your force fields under your feet in midair and use them as platforms."

"I didn't know you were a gymnast." Kai said in a surprised tone as Amber rolled her eyes.

"There's a lot of things you guys don't know about me." Bianca replied in a tone so arrogant that it made Amber want to just slap the shit out of her.

Genesis | Book One, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now